Article Marketing Babies
Do you ever ask yourself why you struggle with writing content for the web? You know what you want to convey but your article marketing effort comes out looking a bit strained, more than that, the poor critter is blue in the face and struggling for air. Your article needs emergency room help to save it and you can't seem to get to the phone.
What Starts Out as A Truly Great Idea Winds Up And Knocks You Down.
You have a lot of bullies hanging around and you don't want to get hurt. Lets start with Joe Google. Joe Google doesn't care what your writing about as long as you do it his way. You can write on any subject but don't mention it to much, no more than one to three percent in your article. It had better be more than four hundred words, or he will make sure you regret it. He might let the article slip out into the ether world, but he will make sure no one ever sees it. The next guy leaning against the building with a toothpick hanging out of his mouth is a bit bruised and bloody himself. This is the poor fellow who has to choose between the article marketing babies that will get to go home and which will have to stay till they get well. His name is Mike Editor and if his guide lines are not just right, Joe Google will slap him around some more, so he is going to make sure your article is up to snuff, or else.
The People You are Writing For Ultimately Will Benefit.
Lucy Public is a pretty little thing and you will do just about anything to please her, after all she did show up to read your article when no one else would. Lately she has been a little stand offish. It's not that she doesn't like you, it is just that, what you are saying is not anything she has not heard before. Your content had better be something entertaining for her or she will be dropping you like a cold fish. Oh yeah. You had better be quick about it because her attention span is getting shorter and shorter.
What Is An Article Writing Mother To Do?
All you have to do these days is create fresh, content laden articles that flow naturally and are well written. The information need only satisfy, Joe, Mike, Lucy, and your creative needs. What could be simpler? It is hard to create essays that are not stilted and awkward, but it is also essential that they are not. Your writing still has to convey your originality which is the number one criteria for successful reader participation. Make sure your article marketing babies are ready before you let them out into the world.
Art Kimbro 4/27/2011
What quality threshold do we hold ourselves to now. If you want Joe Google to support your efforts the quality (by his definition) had better be there.
Thanks Art.