Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
What Does SOPA Mean to You?
If you're familiar with SOPA (the "Stop Online Piracy Act") or its Senate companion, PIPA, you know it's controversial, at best. There's a lot more potentially wrong with this legislation than you might have considered.
It is easily the most dangerous and ill-conceived attempt to regulate the Internet, and your use of it, ever proposed by the US government. And no, living in another country doesn't make you immune. That just makes you a potential targ
Today I'm going to talk about one of the BEST free sources of inspiration and tips in the art of wellness and being the best you can be... This is a source I've had almost unbroken subscription since my first issue came into my inbox on July 16, 2004. Somehow I had stumbled across an article, "Ditch that Job!" It led to my subsequent subscription and the occasional enlightenment throughout the years since.
I say "occasional" because though the subscription c
Laboring in an Absolute Monarchy
Why do we begin here? I've come here first because it's the absolute monarchy from which employment, otherwise known as contractual labor, derives. From the dawn of time the one model of all of Nature has been the absolute monarchy. It shows up almost universally across the very cosmos in every aspect of its being. Albeit, employment is no different. All political systems vary from one another but in essence, based on culture, are nothing less than modi
I mentioned a couple days ago that Chapter 1 of my book needs rewriting. Though this is the case, the points in it will be retained but how it is written will be changed.
The chapter opens with, of course, the duckling story which will be kept intact, but goes into the story of Nightingale-Conant's humble beginnings and what Earl Nightingale asked a prominent psychologist one day in the 1950s.
If you've not read my post about the ducklings, you should. There is a fine lesson there. &
I was travelling on foot with Roy (my brother.) We were walking through very narrow streets with dilopidated buildings on both sides. (I saw a video of a Brazilian street in a very cramped place and I think this is where this came from.) In places we were walking on a ledge and others, up and down concrete steps that made up the streets.
Roy and I went into an open restaurant and got a meal there. I think there was another person there with us because Roy wouldn't pay any
My book begins with "Mama Duck and Her Six Ducklings Find a Greener Puddle." Whilst this is a story based on an actual happening, the book elaborates on having something other than herd mentality. This short chapter will be rewritten. The little story will remain but how I present the the points I derive from the story will be completely redone. When I wrote it, I probably needed to do some thinking rather than writing. It just did not come out very well.
I'm new to physical product marketing. Due to impoverishment, I've done very little with Amazon, so I don't even know my way around there. I've asked some questions that, to some, would appear very if I should know these things.
Well, I don't but I'm learning.
There's a heck of a lot of things that, at my age, I should know by now...but I don't. So forgive me if I do ask some pretty lame questions sometimes. Believe has to do very much with being severel
Today's writing is going to be short because I'm amidst some research right now.
As a few of you know, I saw something really horrible yesterday and it has also affected my landlord, who is a kind-hearted person.
Dogs will be dogs and one of the things they have built in is predator aggression. All dogs have this to some degree or another, some worse some not so bad.
Serious warning should have been taken a few days before this when the grandson's powerful boxer dog broke his chain and got
Well, I know where I was in the writing of this book and what I was doing that day! I thought hard about whether to keep this in the book or not and am kind of up in the air about it. Being without income (or at this point occasional,) it sometimes has to suffice being in a lowly position on a job with people half your age but in higher positions exercising their power and authority over you.
I had to include this here because it is kind of funny. We all have bad hair day
So far, I've been writing (and including) snippets from my book in the introductory part. By this point in the book, I've made the opening statements (already shown,) a bio of sorts (hasn't been included here because my bio here does that,) the rudimentary beginnings of the book and what prompted me to write it, and now the actual reasons why I wrote the book. This post might be kind of long but I don't thing it will be unreasonably so.
It will tell you what to expect throughout my s