Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
Nearing the End of the Job!  Marathon Coming! It is very good I've been able to get the income up I need to continue WA, get my phone back, Jaaxy, Aweber, and one of my campaigns before the domain goes back in the pot. However, this job has done two things...shows how undisciplined I still am and the lack of willpower to get things done in spite of the higher load... It also shows how I must review some of the things I've written in my book on this topic...because in some situations, trying
Finally!  My GoPro Campaign Is Showing in the SERPs! It has been some time now since I began this campaign.  I know it is a long time coming, but last night I discovered that it is ranking on the 20th page of Google for the targeted keywords.  It is encouraging to see it there even though my efforts have been poor indeed. Lately it has been the job I have been doing that has been seriously holding me back!  So labor-intensive the job is, I've been coming home drained and find
Wine & Workweek Nights DO NOT MIX! Another hard day is in store.  We are behind on the work and should be finishing today with the entire job!  It's not going to happen, but we will be marking time! I feel it!  Last evening I got into my wine!  It felt good to relax, but two...and then three glasses...OOPS! It knocked me out for sure!  I feel asleep without getting much done on my list, though I did manage to do some of it. The income I'm getting now is taking care o
Another Dog-Tiring Day... Today was more of a emotional drain than physical.  I feel a slipping away socially with James.  Again, the same thing is occurring...I have things to say but I'm seen as irrelevant and ignored. This brought about depression today and I staid to myself, doing work away from the rest.  This is also a problem I have, (I feel) with WA.  Many times, my Forum posts go unanswered lately (and has happened many times before) I am very tipsy now.  I got
Time Steals Away & the Domino Effect! I may be mentally sharper in the early morning, but my motor skills definitely do not follow suite!  I'm not sure if it is the time factor that does this, but indeed, there is an imbalance here...and motor skills has never been my hallmark! Ever have one of those days when everything you touch turns to stone?  Yesterday I did laundry.  I saved time by doing it at my landlord's rather than going to a launderia.  Little did I know what
Light at the End of the Tunnel! It has been a really tough week!  Two evenings got annihilated by sheer exhaustion to the point where I wound up falling asleep, drastically reducing them both to about an hour-long waking time! Not good for campaigns!  Not good for anything but to turn around and get ready for the next day's work! It has been like this all week and on top of this, I've got to do my regular chores. This coming week promises to be a bit easier on me as I've grown accustom
Surprise! #9 in WA Member Ranking! I was at John's watching Prince of Persia and came back to my camper for bed.  I decided to get on here and get this up since it is almost 24 hours late! When I refreshed the page, the ranking jumped up from #17 to #9!  I don't know how long that will last, but it is a milestone of sorts. If only my Internet marketing would reflect that kind of ranking as well! I got some things accomplished but not what I wanted or what is on my list...which has rema
Up Into the Master Bedroom with the Marble. Against what I would normally think about days, especially work days, I was TGIF!  Even though Friday is here, I'm so burned out I'm of little good to do anything.  Albeit, when I got home, I went over to Joey, who was out working on the quad he has already taken apart four times now trying to fix the timing problem it's having. Joey had bad news for me...something I did not want to hear after another hard day of handling marble and granite u
Another Burn-Out Day! On a day like this, it's up, out to work, where I engage in very heavy workloads Today Brian and I were left after lunch and he decided he was going to be impressive by coming up to me and, "OK, Lunch is over!  Let's hit it!" In a short time, we pulled up a carpet in its entirety from an 800-square foot room and lugged it down the stairs just the two of us in one shot!  That burned me out by itself, but it wasn't all...he was like a horse's master with a
Tiny Progress There's just no way around this! Only a small bit of content was written...and it wasn't the GoPro campaign again. John is after me to get something done on the website because he is paying for the domain and therefore, if this continues, he is going to close up his business, almost leaving that up to me and what I do with the site. This has been over my head since he said this and today he asked what I've done on the website.  I had to have done something and doing the little