Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
One of the oldest subscriptions I have is one that I needed to have been paying attention to all these years! The eZine is called, Early to Rise (ETR.)  It has been on the Internet very soon after the WWW came into being.  It may have even started on a BBS because it certainly goes back to the dawn of the Internet!  It is one of the longest-running electronic magazines since Dargonzine. Why do I recommend this eZine?  I've been reading it lately and can see what I've been mis
December 28, 2011
I was in my Journal and found this in the sea of writing. It was a dream I had in late May of 1989.  It was so disturbing back then that I wrote about it.  It isn't so much the dream itself that is so frightening as is the way things are right now...including Internet marketing.  Whilst there is nothing new with the way things are now, how this dream parallels with how things are is pretty creepy.        I was in an open field with a distant, lone dwellingplac
December 21, 2011
I'm not one to make vows (that is, promises) because that's serious business.  There's nothing worse than to make a promise and not fulfill it.  Doing something like this is sorely looked upon in the Bible.  It also has meant instant death in certain ancient civilizations and even today can be true in some. Only in America do we get the option to make a promise and be protected when we don't hold up to it.  Only here do we get to act selfishly without recourse and not be acco
The Doughnuts and the Ants  This morning I got up and went to have some doughnuts that I had bought yesterday.  I had not had doughnuts for long time, I thought I'd have some.  I opened the bag last night and ate a couple.  I'd have coffee and doughnuts this morning before going off to clean an auditorium. Bleary-eyed I reached into the bag to have my first doughnut this morning only to feel something crawling on my arm.  Yes, them dratted ants again!  I threw the b
December 12, 2011
This post is going to be short.  The last one I wrote evidently had not been read and perhaps it is the sheer length that turns people away. Yes, Daniel is now employed (temporarily.)  Time is fleeting so I must drill out my thought quickly and be out the door. I will now be able to meet my rent and electricity (if this job continues.)  What's my "position?"  I look forward each day to stuffing envelopes instead of writing.  I'm making the minimum wage.  I
November 28, 2011
It's that time of the year.   My domain registrations and hosting are all due. I've been suffering from no usual.  I can only bang my head against the wall so long.  It's making me sick.  Somehow I'm just not meant to do this...I've tried to hang on as long as I could.  Last year, I had this same problem and had to beg for money to be able to keep things going.  This year is no different except that I don't have the resources I had last year.  Stum
I was awoke from telephone was ringing.  It was my older sister wanting an end to family difficulties.  For me, this is a great step towards reprieval.   I consider WA a part of my family, and I hope myself to be a part of the family here.  It has been, as many know, my feeling towards this membership. Most here will never see this post, but I hope some of you do.  The FaceBook message back to my sister is quite long, so please forgive me for that.  As ma
This is one of my very good friends, Bryan Harwell, who could relate to me way back in college. This is for all of you people out there in WA Land, trying your darnedest to get your campaigns going and get out of that job you hate so much..." /> Ignore the bit of code showing from behind the video. It was kind of messed up trying to get this to display and why mess with something if it's working? Well, it broke again when I added the previous sentence. This sure is one temperamental
1 comment
November 07, 2011
Today I was looking for a royalty-free image to use on my site and I ran into a blog...from a member here, no doubt, and noticed all the comments below. Well, every one of them were drive-by comments.  How can I tell?  Read on...  What Is a Drive-By Comment? Many people have no real interest in adding to your site's integrity...only their own...and they do this very effectively.  They will write some sort of  cookie-cutter comment and put their time into going from blog
November 02, 2011
The Backdrop for the Dream: Yesterday I saw a very disturbing video about farm factories and the horrible conditions and treatment animals get on those farms and the short lives they live.  I won't go into anymore details about that... Yesterday I worked very hard pulling vines and weeding at the church building.  It paid my rent this month.  I'd far rather be working on my campaign all day but can't...for now.  I have more work to do over there. Dead tired and sore all over,