Posts by Dr.resiprosity09 12
January 09, 2010
No particular reason for this blog other than to get back into my routine. The holidays and the change in weather hit me pretty hard and served to compromise my focus and priorities. After my son's birthday in a few days I expect the dust to settle and get back to business.   Hakuna Matata!
1 comment
December 31, 2009
1 comment
December 25, 2009
1 comment
November 24, 2009
I just checked the status of my Ezine article and found that it had been approved and viewed 3 times already. That's pretty cool. It's also been indexed. I've been focusing so much on article writing that I INSTANTLY see how the article could have been improved. Otherwise I would leave a link to it here but I won't, because even though the article is not very old, it just seems really amateur now. I admit I did have to change some things to get it approved and it coincides with the niche a
November 16, 2009
Okay, I think I've finally and officially broken through the "freshman" stage of the affiliate marketing game. You know, like when you're a kid and you can't wait to become a teenager ('cause teenagers are cool and get to do stuff) and then go off to high school ('cause high school is... well... that's where teenagers go) and then you get there and find out that high school is just... SCHOOL!  Well, I've come to a point where I no longer see the hype. I see the reality. A reality
November 14, 2009
" What's official, Dr. R? Your first sale?" "First $100 day?" "First $500 day?" No, silly. I am officially dropping any and all further activities with my latest niche! Oh, what a wonderful day! " But why, Doc?" Why ask why? But since you asked, I've come to realize that I have no real desire in following through with this niche. It was a loser from the beginning! At least for me because I have yet to cultivate the skills to make it work. Article marketin
Hey, WA! Like the title says, AM, IM, or whatever you want to call it is NOT a get rich quick scheme! This biz takes SERIOUS effort and that's exactly what I've been giving it. Since I am still relatively new to this, I've spent a considerable amount of time learning the biz. The resources, the jargon, the lit, the programs, the.... well you get the point. This past week I came across a real challenge. No need to mention exactly what it was, but my time has been seriously occupied. I have yet to
October 30, 2009
 Just an update. Still on lesson two of the Article Marketing and SEO accreditation course. Boy, it IS tough for a rookie, but well worth it. Just like with anything new that you learn it expands your whole understanding of things. I'm finding research to be more manageable and understandable. The writing process, structure, relevance, and keyword optimization is coming along steadily. I wrote four articles just today and the last one seemed like it took no time at all! My offline job wasn'
 It seems that I've been off the radar for a couple of days. At least within the WA community, so I figured I'd post another blog entry to collect my thoughts, if for no other reason. To get my visitors and network buddies up to speed... When we last met, I had yet again experienced first page indexing on Google, but that experience was "bittersweet" as I recall describing it, because there had been no sales conversions. Unfortunately, there still have been no sales because of th
Ah, the bittersweet sensation of first page indexes. Back again.  Yes, it is truely bittersweet. Why? Well, it has become obvious that getting blog posts and/or articles ranked high on Google does not necessarily convert into sales. This is a topic that I've come across before and yet only now has this reality hit home. There is a big difference between intellectualizing a thing and internalizing a thing. Taking action while being alert and aware throughout the process is the best way to in