Making Progress

Last Update: October 30, 2009

 Just an update. Still on lesson two of the Article Marketing and SEO accreditation course. Boy, it IS tough for a rookie, but well worth it. Just like with anything new that you learn it expands your whole understanding of things. I'm finding research to be more manageable and understandable. The writing process, structure, relevance, and keyword optimization is coming along steadily. I wrote four articles just today and the last one seemed like it took no time at all! My offline job wasn't an issue today so I had all day to really "hit the books", so to speak and I'm happy with my progress so far. Heck, I wrote more articles today than I did all of last week! I'd consider that a minor milestone.

Well, enough said. One more article today, one more task for lesson two, and off to lesson three. Wish me luck :)

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angelle Premium
Great job! One step at a time. That's the way to do it! Wish you much success!
Revelation Premium
Keep at it bro. Better to go slow and learn than blow through it. It was a great refresher for me, yet, I have gone back through it a couple times still. Good stuff, press on!
1courage Premium
Yes, those sections are tough. I guess they want to give our Internet Marketing Muscles a workout. At first, I was overwhelmed by all the information too. You're working consistenly & diligently; before you know it, you will be a pro.
Thanks, jpetals for commenting on my blog. I like to know that there are others out there who understand the reality(not so glamorous, usually) of article marketing. It's good to keep like minded people around. BTW, I just completed lesson two, so I need a vacation. At least 'til tomorrow. ;)
jpetals Premium
That is a huge milestone. You will find that those doing article marketing that make money... write a lot of articles. =) Congrats!!