This is NOT a get rich quick scheme!

Last Update: November 07, 2009

Hey, WA! Like the title says, AM, IM, or whatever you want to call it is NOT a get rich quick scheme! This biz takes SERIOUS effort and that's exactly what I've been giving it. Since I am still relatively new to this, I've spent a considerable amount of time learning the biz. The resources, the jargon, the lit, the programs, the.... well you get the point. This past week I came across a real challenge. No need to mention exactly what it was, but my time has been seriously occupied. I have yet to go a full day without checking in and when I do I'm usually taking advantage of many of the numerous resources offered here, so I haven't been very sociable this past week even though I've been here. Sorry.

Even though I've been faced with a challenge, giving up is not an option. Challenges drive me. They motivate me. A challenge is nothing more than a way for me to discover greatness inside of me that I have yet to see. So if you don't hear from me for a while, or if you're "in attendance" and see that I'm online, don't hesitate to drop a post. Most likely I'm using the Rapid Writer, doing some research, or checking and/or re-checking some tutorials. But I'm serious about this and I know that the results I get coincide with the work that I put in. There will definitely be mention of progress on my next entry and as always... HAKUNA MATATA!!!


This ain't no tall order

This is nothin' to me

Difficult takes a day

Impossible takes a week 



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Louise M. Premium
Great spirit you have !! Sure you'll succeed !
I send you good vibes to stay on this winning road ! ;)

Yoohoo ! I needed something right now to push me to write today's article and didn't know what it was. Well it's your post ! Thx for the boost ! :)
1courage Premium
Don't feel bad about not being social enough, you are very social. When you aren't heard from in a while I assume it's because you are very busy. When I'm preoccupied, I don't post as often either. I just know I will catch up when I get the chance. You're determination amazes me. Keep up the good work.
"The impossible we do immediately. Miracles take a bit longer." I like that.
Internetgranny Premium
I think real challenges are par for the course in AM. It's just that those challenges are completely different for different people. For some it's the writing, for others it's the techie side of things. We just need to get around those challenges or clear them out of the way.
Your quote at the end reminds me of a sign we had in my office when I was still working. It went something like
'The Impossible we do immediately,
Miracles take a bit longer.'

Take care, keep going, and you'll get to where you want to be.
Ruggero Premium
That's a winning spirit! You keep that up and you'll be just fine! ;)