Last Update: November 14, 2009

" What's official, Dr. R? Your first sale?"

"First $100 day?"

"First $500 day?"

No, silly. I am officially dropping any and all further activities with my latest niche! Oh, what a wonderful day!

" But why, Doc?"

Why ask why? But since you asked, I've come to realize that I have no real desire in following through with this niche. It was a loser from the beginning! At least for me because I have yet to cultivate the skills to make it work.

Article marketing has the general implication that articles are written for a particular niche, right? Well what if that niche was poorly chosen or so broad that the beginning rookie novice article marketer could not effectively translate the benefits? And what if the niche was so broad that in doing beginner novice rookie research said beginner novice rookie failed to pinpoint, target, and market just ONE product? Then by chance, what if said rookie beginner novice article marketer had already written and submitted articles, built lenses and hubs, posted free blog posts and RSS feeds around the internet, took time to let the dust settle, reviewed the stats and lenses, hubs, articles, blog posts, etc....and realized that not a single one of them was OPTIMIZED!!!  Hehe, my bad.

Well, I am officially ceasing any further activity with my current(previous) niche because it's *FUBAR! least for now.

In my last post I said that I would mention some progress and I hate to disappoint so below is a list of some progress that I've made over the last couple of weeks. Mostly by gaining experience points.

-Built first Hub page (a Hub page is to a Squidoo lens as real cheddar cheese is to a processed cheese food product, but that's just my opinion)

-Submitted first article to GoArticles and  Ezine

-Built a bunch more lenses( got a few ideas on lenses outside of marketing... y'know, just for fun)

 -Gained article writing experience points(learned some new tricks... that really don't apply to my niche)

-HTML 101   : P

-Experience with Rapid Writer

-Etc, Etc...

-Oh, yeah! I also earned a couple bucks from the free websites that indirectly led me to affiliate marketing and WA! ( the places that showed that making money online was really possible, even if it's not much)

.... and one more thing.  KNOW WHEN TO THROW IN THE TOWEL!!!

Even though I've been working on this niche for only a couple of weeks(and I have gotten "some" activity ) I just feel that my energies would be better spent on something else. Another niche, I mean.

As is my nature I come with offerings. A cute little tale that I first heard a few years back that I think fits with this entry and my trials these past couple of weeks.

 --- A man sits down for dinner with his wife. On the table he sees a ham, but that night, just as always when she prepared a ham, both ends of the ham were cut off. Although he had noticed this before, something inside of him could not avoid the obvious question that had been inside of him for years. He said,"

Honey, you make the best ham in the world, but something's just been eating me up inside. I just gotta know, why do you cut the ends off of your ham?"

The wife replied," Well, my mother makes the best hams in all the world and that's what she did."

So the man called up his mother-in-law and said," Hey, Mom! I got a question for you. Your daughter and I were having dinner, she made a ham, and both ends of the ham were cut off. I asked her why she did it and she said that you made the best hams in the world and that's how you did it! I just gotta know why."

And she replied," Well that's because my mother made the best hams in all the world and that's how she did it."

So the man called his wife's grandmother and said," Hey, Grandma! I got a question for you. Your granddaughter made a ham tonight and cut off both ends, I asked her why and she said because that's what her mother did, I called your daughter and asked her why and she said that she did it because that's what you did. So I just gotta know, why did you cut both the ends off of you hams?"

The grandmother replied," That's simple. Because my pan was too little."

The moral? It's good to how to do something, but it's just as important to know why you're doing it.

How could I spend so much time and NOT optimize my keywords.

(Sensory Overload Strikes Again!)

Oh, yeah...(* FUBAR= F'd Up Beyond All Repair )



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1courage Premium
Hee-hee. I understand. I had to rethink my niche a couple weeks back myself. Just think of it as a fresh start. I'm sure you will be more focused & have a better understanding of what direction you want to take now. Good luck!
idm Premium
Sounds like someone's been busy.