Eureka! Success!

Last Update: October 18, 2009

 Hey, everyone! Dr. Resiprosity here,(and yeah I know I spelled my name wrong). I've been trying to figure this blog thing out for a week and I finally got it to work. Switched from IE to Firefox and, TADA! I've asked quite a few of you for advice so if you were one of them, call off the dogs. Everything's A.O.K. 

 Stay tuned.

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timeandmoney Premium
Glad you got it to work. I had the same problem as well and someone in the forum suggested using Firefox and it definitely solved the problem. Looking forward to reading your posts!
~ Phyllis
anthony2791 Premium
Congrats ...That you got it working...
Internetgranny Premium
I'm looking forward to your posts too. And I'll attempt to post more often myself.
1courage Premium
Hooray!! Glad you can post now. Goodness, I should have asked what browser you had. I had read in some of the training material that it's best to use Firefox. I didn't even think that could be the issue. Glad it was resolved. I'm looking forward to those interesting posts.