The Longest Weekend

Last Update: October 20, 2009

It's been a long weekend. A long week for that matter. Eating IM. Sleeping IM. Dreaming IM. Two weeks in and the pieces are starting to come together. Early sensory overload slowly subsiding. Making some progress, slowly but surely. See marketing and the internet in general in a whole new light.

Reading alot of already indexed articles. Know what to look for now. Twenty five years of writing(a personal hobby) makes it easy to spot a novice marketer. Poor sentence structure, spelling that leaves much to be desired, content that could use work. Read some good articles, too. Our buddy Revelation got three articles consecutively indexed above the sponsor site of the very product that he's marketing. No reason not to believe him. Still laughing over that one.  

My own first page ranking is gone. Read somewhere about how to fix that. Read alot these past two weeks. Guess PPG was right about starting out. Says you do a lot more reading than doing in the beginning. Got a PM from her today. As beat as I've been this weekend that sure lifted my spirits. Know she's a real person now.

Been a long weekend. No work tomorrow. Got the day off. Offline, anyway. Got some planning to do, lenses to build, artcles to write, nets to cast, promises to keep, people to see,  money to make, and sleep to get.

Woke up this morning and realised I'd busted my waterbed.


When did I get a waterbed?

I shouldda had a V8


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1courage Premium
Well your reading and trying to understand everything means you are dedicated. I see you making a great success of WA.