AdSense: Is It Worth It?
Last Update: November 28, 2010
What has been your experience with AdSense? How much traffic do you need for AdSense to be worthwhile? How do you feel about people being taken away from your site into your competitor's site?
I tried it once. It didn't benefit me, and I had good traffic too. I hear people saying they actually put up websites solely to collect AdSense revenue.
What has been your experience?
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Hi Jat..You know Back ages ago when google was a bit friendlier I had a website and posted some adsense ads on there..I made 19 dollars in one month..Only trouble was I was spending around $50 to $75 dollars a month in ad rates. This was well before days of me becoming a WA member. Now some people are very successful at these adsense ventures and I know them to work well for others. As far as competition goes, I don't mind if the surfer clicks off my site in search of something more to their taste. I would put up another adsense site in a minute if I had the time to work it. As far as using Adsense to establish a primary source of income...I'll pass.
About 6 months ago I put up some sites solely for AdSense. I just logged in and so far I've earned $22.11!!! haha But it's my fault, at that time I didn't know we were supposed to look at EXACT searches so my keywords suck. Here's my stats for all time
$22.11, 2433 page impressions, 65 clicks, 2.67CTR. A couple hundred of those page impressions are mine(lol) so I would say my CTR is actually higher. I think AdSense is worth it if you have lots of traffic and chose high paying keywords which I didn't do either. I remember ex-member ARBIE saying in the forum he makes thousands a month from AdSense.
$22.11, 2433 page impressions, 65 clicks, 2.67CTR. A couple hundred of those page impressions are mine(lol) so I would say my CTR is actually higher. I think AdSense is worth it if you have lots of traffic and chose high paying keywords which I didn't do either. I remember ex-member ARBIE saying in the forum he makes thousands a month from AdSense.
The Dressage Husband
I tried it took it down after earning $1.50 or so and have just added it back after doing the WA Club with Marcus. He suggested we use it. It only works in good positions (i.e. banner at top of page), this is OK only if you do not have a better converting product there. I have earned a little over $3.50 in November and just over $5.50 all time 30 cents today. I would say if you have a good site with lots of traffic but no conversions it is worth trying I get only around .8% click through rates though. So I would say do not use Adsense to advertise unless you are a great copywriter!