The Joy of Being Grumpy...

Last Update: May 08, 2011

And The Art of What to Do About It

Maybe it has something to do with living in New England. I don't know guys. We have so many grumpy old farmers where I live. They're old timers who have been farming for years and years, and their produce is superlative. I think they have probably been in Connecticut since the beginning of the world.  But along with the tomatoes, you often get attitude. The Supermarkets are not like that. These local independent farmers charge you hefty prices too. I have an old fashioned Yankee farmer mentality myself, but the difference is I try to be nice to people. I don't get it. These people are so stingy, it makes me squeak.

Here's what happens when a business owner has attitude. They lose the customer. The customer will shop elsewhere. Why? Because they want to go where they feel special and pampered and are having some fun. Shopping should be morale boosting. Who can afford to be that independent anyway? You have to compete, not only with prices and quality, but also civility and customer service. You have to be smart enough to throw the seal a fish once in a while.

Whole Foods is great that way! Trader Joe's is too. They ask you things like "Did you find everything you were looking for? Let me help you with that? Let me tell you all about our fish today and give you our specials. This just came out of the oven, would you like to taste it?" That's the way to sell.

That's the right way to do business! BE GENEROUS AND KIND TO CUSTOMERS, if for no reason other than your customers are paying your bills.

I believe in customer service to the point of pampering and spoiling. I come from a long line of merchants, and my family has always been like that. Over deliver! Their customers were loyal.

Bloomingdale's is a department store in New York that used to be notorious for being stuffy and grumpy. Now, they walk you to the door and help you with your packages. Why? Because they need your business and abusing customers is now out of fashion.

I know you are all very considerate of your customers. This is just a little reminder of the importance of being civil.

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burntout Premium
Farmers are all stuffy and grumpy, just as you say, but the goats butt them all day long and the chickens follow them around clucking about the work they do. These annoyances by themselves would make you grumpy too. Having to make your own clothes, tools and tractors in your spare time does'nt help their attitude either. Their wives give them no peace, since they don't have phones, internet or shopping malls and they don't get much sleep 'cause they have uncertain straw mattresses. The critters come at night requiring them to get up with a flash light and 44 magnum rifle to patrol the perimeters of their property so the animals are safe and get plenty of rest so they can butt, cluck, bark, meow, paw the ground and neigh all day long. Buy the tomatoes from them even if they are grumpy and stuffy. The miserable, stingy old s.o.b.'s will love you for it. (They are saying thank you when their throats rattle and they spit. How much thanks do you need?)
Labman_1 Premium
Hmmm, civility, didn't I see a blog about that recently?
Wayne Hudler Premium
The is real psychology behind your comments.

At the root we appreciate relationships (all kinds) that make us feel better about ourselves.

Businesses that tap into that psychology in a real and sincere way will see a huge benefit and intense loyalty. Whole Foods & Starbucks are a couple of examples.

IMers everywhere take note.

Press forward.
Pete S Premium
I believe that most on here have your same "Overdeliver and Be Kind Approach" and the flipside of that which I often find myself doing is "Consumer Voting", If its a one time thing I write it off to a bad day or bad employee, but if its coming from the top/owner of a business repeatedly, I will often take away my Votes (Aka: Dollars). We all work hard for our money and that is what gives us the right to using as a voting mechanism. The flip side of this is I will often overfrequent or tip when I receive great service. Just my thoughts...
Jamie Smith Premium
over deliver.