Thoughts About Happiness On a Sunny Sunday Afternoon

Last Update: April 10, 2011

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what happiness is and what it isn't. Actually, I'm in the process of writing a series of articles on topics that are closely related to happiness. I sure want to be happy, and I don't always accomplish it. We all crave happiness.

We attract what we are thinking about, so let's all think about "happiness".

What is the difference between a sustained state of happiness and moments of happiness? How does one get into that place where you are really deeply happy, no matter what is going on around you? How do you de-energize the ill effects of certain day to day events that are part of everyone's life? You know, events that don't inspire happiness.

Scenario: You're feeling on top of the world, you are making progress with your work, veils are lifting so you see things with clarity instead of befuddled confusion, you're feeling well, loved ones are well, great dinner is on the table, including Wes' potato salad.  Then the computer freezes, or your car has a $1200 repair, the deer ate the lilies, or someone you love passes on, or a friends says something that ticks you off, or something you've been wanting to happen doesn't happen after all and you just got the shocking news, or you don't like the results of something you've been working on diligently for months, or you burn the toast.

Now, you are basically a happy person. Your basic needs are met. There's a lot of love in your life. You feel gratitude and count your blessings every day if not every minute of every day.

How do you keep your equilibrium?  How do you keep from falling off the log emotionally when faced with such starkly contrasting emotions?

Here's the real kicker: you're worrying about the future. Will you have enough money to retire? Will you stay healthy? Will you be dependent or independent in old age? Will you lose your job? Will the people you love stay healthy and alive? Is the world going bankrupt, or will a brilliant plan save the world in time? Will you have the resources and time to "enjoy your life" before you are very old, say, 150 or so?

Is it any wonder that staying on purpose, staying in charge, staying positive, BEING HAPPY is a challenge?

We all want a better life. Isn't that what we are creating here at WA? We are creating a new life style, and we are putting ourselves in the driver's seat. People are happiest when they are self determining. Sure, there are some people who want others to do their thinking for them, but I don't know them. Do you? No matter how good or bad life has been in your opinion, you want to make it better.

Where's happiness? You own it. This is your legacy. This joy belongs to you. The only one who can take it away from you is you. Not governments, not employers, not your husband or your wife, not religions, not society. It's all up to you because you are a creative being controlling your own life. Don't hand over your power. More importantly, know your power.

One of the keys to happiness is living in the present. Deal with the present. Stop worrying about the future, because your future is determined by your present. And unless you know where the time machine is hidden, you can't do anything about the past.

Remember, we are a whole lot more than fancy robots that ride around in BMW's, wear Armani, vacation in St. Tropez, and eat caviar. We are a whole lot more than our latest press notices, our social status, our bank accounts. These things are all great and I love them too. If you can't take it with you, then it is all intended for temporal happiness and limited to the physical plane. These things give us pockets of happiness.

Real happiness comes from our spiritual connections which have no limitations unlike our physical being, present on earth for a limited time.

Creating any business, any kind of material success, stems from the impetus of the spiritual side of our natures because our creativity comes from spirit.  

Don't misunderstand and think I am Pastor Joan preaching religion at WA. I have nothing against religion, and I am certainly not a religious fanatic, although I respect religions. That's not what I'm talking about here. I just think that in order to be really happy, really successful, really prosperous, we need to trust our spiritual selves.

Living in a state of real happiness is something to be attained if you haven't already attained it.


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Fallulah Premium
Couldn't agree more Joan and you put it sooo well :) I think "People are happiest when they are self determining" is spot on. Often one of the problems is that we live such fast and influenced lives that as individuals we don't generally grow up in environments focused towards recognsing our uniqueness and realising that unique potential. The results can be devastating. It's a cutural thing and in a way undersandable looking at the lives of our ancestors. The increasing discomfort and disatisfaction that increased numbers of people are feeling are testament to the disparity between authentic self and the lives we live but also I think the increased numbers of people going through (in fact breaking through) these feelings and persevering through often very difficult processes of re-aligning are a positive sign of progress. It feels like I've spent most of a lifetime seeking the environments (vibrations) that my true self is aligned with and then saturating myself in them. Eventually I think the true self becomes stronger that the compromised self ... but my, the challenges still rage [lol]! This is a great post and I appreciate how it's provoked my own thinking Joan. Thanks :)
andys43us Premium
I think I needed to read this. Thanks Joan.
Labman_1 Premium
Alright ladies, you gotta stop doing this to me. This is hitting me right where I live. You (and Barbara) are seriously deep thinkers and are making more of an impact with me than you know. Every day is an adventure and I am remembering where I have come from and where this new road is taking me. Thanks for the encouraging words. I know I'm turning around. If nothing else then my attitude is altering in a positive way.
Jamie Smith Premium
Joan, we are on the same page once again. Worry is making a down payment on a problem that may or MAY NOT arrive.
Wayne Hudler Premium
Joan, you are a true "thinker". I enjoy it when you share.

You've said it and I agree. It boils down to our choice to be happy if we can just understand what it is that creates our happiness.

Seems from my observations that for some the must be complaining or aggravated to be happy. Go figure? They're only happy with unhappiness.

While for others they find joy and peace from viewing all things from a positive perspective. They choose to be happy in spite of the circumstances of the present.

I like the latter more than the former.

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