Real Life Niche Experiments!

Last Update: July 04, 2011

Hey guys,

How's it going? 

As many of you may know I have been lucky enough to quit my job and live the IM lifestyle thanks to the good folks here at WA. 

My buddy Pete and I have a network of sites that we regularly update and drive traffic to, and the affiliate sales are enough to keep the dreaded 9-5 at bay for both of us. 

However, over recent months we've really felt the need to do something a bit more fun and different . . .

So one night (in the pub) we came up with a new idea. We've decided to build a blog around real life internet marketing experiments and to document the process we go through. 

Hopefully this will fill in the blanks for newbies as well as helping us to improve the way we do things too. And hey, even when we screw stuff up completely we'll still have some great content for the blog. 

So here it is, by far the most ambitious and risky thing we've ever tried. Ladies and gentlemen I give you: - Real life internet marketing experiments!

I'd love to know what you think. Good or bad . . . 

So please feel free to hop over there, check it out and leave a comment.

Cheers WA!


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jimmywrex Premium
Hey guys thanks for the kind words, it's very much appreciated. This one feels a bit weird TBH because 99% of our stuff, up untill now, has always been done under a pseudonym, so this feels like we're really putting our selves out there. Thanks again WAers - You are the best!
jdonn Premium
Great job! Liked the video, graphics, interesting content and humor! The comments about the "tired old dog training examples"? LOL (actually did!)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cool Jimmy, I am looking forward to enjoying your new blog!
jatdebeaune Premium
I like your blog, Jimmy. What a good idea! Also like all the opportunities to leave comments and make contact. I left you and Pete a message and subscribed. Good show.
andys43us Premium
Nice website Jimmy. And great content. I enjoyed reading it. :)