Posts by Jimmywrex 19
Hey guys, Check this out: Ebook Syndication for Massive Traffic – When, Why, How? I've put together everything you need to start pulling traffic from ebook syndication. NOW is definitely a great time to start on this as you'll see in the article.  I would *LOVE* to know what results you get when you try this. I will of course share my own results too.  Enjoy!!   Jimmy :)
July 26, 2011
Hey guys, I've just finished a blog post on how I intend to pull tons of traffic from Youtube over the next 6 months. Hopefully these strategies will also help you to. Check it out below: The Art of Youtube Domination – Steal Our Killer Video Traffic Strategy   You'll also see my first ever video appearance in this post which was quite fun to make.   Take it easy,   Jimmy        
Hey guys,  I just finished a blog post: Instantly Increase Your Sales With These 6 Scientifically Proven Weapons of Influence.    I put a ton of work into this one in the hope that you will use these methods to increase your bottom line.  Would love to hear your feedback too. I'm putting a ton of effort into making these blog posts as EPIC as possible.  Jimmy :)     
Hey Guys,  I just wrote a new blog post entitled: Confessionsof a Full Time Affiliate Marketer - 4 Embarrasing Newbie Mistakes to Avoid. I would love to hear your thoughts on this if you have a few spare mins in your day.   Thanks,  Jimmy
Hey guys, How's it going?  As many of you may know I have been lucky enough to quit my job and live the IM lifestyle thanks to the good folks here at WA.  My buddy Pete and I have a network of sites that we regularly update and drive traffic to, and the affiliate sales are enough to keep the dreaded 9-5 at bay for both of us.  However, over recent months we've really felt the need to do something a bit more fun and different . . . So one night (in the pub) we came up with a new
This is AWSOME:   How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise, and Get Paid to Change the World   Jimmy  :) 
May 09, 2011
Hi there, I know that some of you read blogs more than the forum so I just wanted to post a quick message here to redirect you to my *2 Year WA Story* which I've recently posted in the forum.   ---->Take a look here <----- C'mon, don't be a *BABY*, just click the link.   Hope you like it.  Jimmy :)   
March 13, 2011
Hey guys, One of my goals for the year is to become a social media marketing rockstar. So far, so good.  I've just dropped a review in Member Recommended Products to explain what I'm using and how I do it in the wonderful world of Twitter.   ==> Check it out here <== How are you using the social networks to build relationships and get traffic? If you are overlooking these networks then you are leaving money on the table. There's plenty you can do & I'm finding it rea
Back in January I set myself some serious goals. I wanted to make them achievable and attainable so I didn’t go too crazy (like $10K per month) but they’re still pretty tough goals to meet. Especially when you have a full time job too. Below is a recap of those goals sat back in January. I'm happy to report that I smashed all of these goals except forn one.   By the end of 2010 I wil: 1. Be earning an average $70 per day profit – YES! 2. Have had one $250 day –
December 21, 2010
This looks pretty cool.Anyone using it? LinkedTube
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