Tweeting Heck!

Last Update: March 13, 2011

Hey guys,

One of my goals for the year is to become a social media marketing rockstar. So far, so good. 

I've just dropped a review in Member Recommended Products to explain what I'm using and how I do it in the wonderful world of Twitter. 

 ==> Check it out here <==

How are you using the social networks to build relationships and get traffic? If you are overlooking these networks then you are leaving money on the table. There's plenty you can do & I'm finding it really worthwhile. 

As SEO get's harder, using social sites is a great way to spread your bets and improve your reach within your niche.

Dive in and check it out. 

 Jimmy :)




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jimmywrex Premium
@Alex - haha. I know mate, I one of them tee hee!
jimmywrex Premium
@Joan - Thanks! It's fun playing with these things and can be profitable too but don't let it suck your time away from everything else you do. It can so easily happen on FB & Twitter
Alex Copeland Premium
They are good to use, instant access to lots of people. It is a science though, having lots of followers doesn't automatically equate to money, you need to work it the same as anything, good call. Oh and just to show off, I have just over 7,400 followers on my main twitter account he he :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Jimmy. I have to put my head down and charge forward into the social media sites. I know Twitter and Facebook are powerful social sites. I've been resisting them. BTW, I think you make a superb rock star! I'm checking out your link.