Youtube Domination

Last Update: July 26, 2011

Hey guys,

I've just finished a blog post on how I intend to pull tons of traffic from Youtube over the next 6 months. Hopefully these strategies will also help you to. Check it out below:

The Art of Youtube Domination

– Steal Our Killer Video Traffic Strategy


You'll also see my first ever video appearance in this post which was quite fun to make. 

 Take it easy, 






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jimmywrex Premium
@Jamie - Awesome stuff! What's your channel? Feel free top post it here if you like.
jimmywrex Premium
Thanks Joan - I wish I hadn't put off making videos for so long now. People seem to love the combination of video and written word.
jatdebeaune Premium
That was good Jimmy. Very helpful. Thank you.
Jamie Smith Premium
Nice blog Jimmy, ever since google bought youtube, it sure has become a powerful tool in my marketing campaigns worldwide too.