This is Serious

Last Update: September 02, 2010

Hi there,

Just wanted to give a quick update on how things are going with my 'Time to get serious in 2010' approach. 

I decided a few months ago that in order to accelerate my progress I'd get in touch with someone who I know has been making a killing in IM (not literally) and get them to mentor me. 

Don't get me wrong, WA has been the most amazing training I could hope for, but I just felt that learning dirctly from someone who's been there and done it would really help me. 

Well thanks to WA for introducing me to Jarrett A.K.A. Ghost.

You are the real deal bro!

 He gave me a killer website (this was before WP express was added here so a real help). Plus he showed me how to optimize it for some awsome traffic, plus he showed me how to choose the best product to promote, and how to analyse other sites and markets in order to slice into them and make a good chunk of cash. 

 (and it's working too: this month = my biggest month yet!)

But what's really exciting is that the site we worked on isn't even ranking for my biggest keywords yet. When those babies start to kick in, it really will be a game changer.

Some of the most valuable advice I got from Jarrett however, was a bit unexpected . . .

You see, I was really looking to him for technical advice. Best backlinking service, best markets, best on-page SEO tactics.

However, when this was taken care of we ended up talking at great length about how to scale your business. How to leverage other peoples time to save your own with outsourcing, and how to go about taking your IM efforts to a whole new level. 

Now that's what I call getting serious.

So now outsourcing is a BIG part of my game and you know what? Taking away the parts of this I'm bad at and don't enjoy suddenly means I'm not only making more money & moving faster, but I'm also having 10X the amount of fun! 

So if you are not already doing this, I would urge you to give it some thought. What tasks steal your time, make you want to give up, bore you or don't produce results?

What can you do to change this?

To quote another awsome WA member:

"You want to work on your business, not in your business" (Justin Brooke)

Another thing that Jarrett also made a big point of is this:

"Always over deliver"

And I have to say, dude, you definately did that!

Untill next time folks, 





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peterdeg Premium
Jimmy, Shhhhhh!!! Don't tell everyone (LOL)
Yeah, I'm there and I agree. What I wasn't expecting when I joined was the quality of the videos that you can send out with the email opt-ins.
Jarrett is the best video maker that I have seen on the internet so having his material that I can send out for my gains is invaluable.
I now have a great site that will have really high conversions (way way higher than anything I could put together, and way better than the site that I have spent 6 weeks making) meaning that all the work I put in to get things ranked will pay off at least twice as much.