Posts by Labman_1 199
July 10, 2012
Around here, there are many challenges that people take on.Early on in my IM career there were 2 30 day clubs that stick out in my mind. Another challenge followed these clubs up but was more of an incentive program.The first has been folded into the 30 in 30 start-up challenge that is available to all when they sign up at Wealthy Affiliate University.The second was hosted by Marcus and was essentially the first one targeted to promoting WA.The third challenge was the 30 articles in 30 days. Wo
July 10, 2012
I was Zooming around the web today and came across this jewel from Matt Cutts.The result is a video that he and his crew did. They recorded a hangout from India.Jully 9th. Lots of good stuff to learn about Google and how they handle things. limited it to an hour so save yourself a chunk of time to watch it.Enjoy.Craig
You can planYou can follow your plan.But you can't anticipate catastrophe.In fact, I did anticipate that I was developing a problem, my computer has been spontaneously rebooting for a couple of months now. Usually when this happens it is due to a thermal issue with the CPU. So being a proactive sort of guy I opened up my computer and sucked out all the dust.This worked for most of the internals but the CPU fan was still clogged with dust and pet dander. ( I wonder where that came from). Remo
July 07, 2012
If you have been watching the News recently you have probably seen a blurb on the DNS Changer Malware. This is a sleeper of a nasty bit of malware that may cause problems on Monday 7/9/2012.It seems that Google, Yahoo and assorted Government agencies (FBI) have been aware of this malicious code for quite a while and have provided (completely in the background) a way for it not to effect the users of the Internet.What this will do if you are infected is to deny you service to the Internet.This i
July 01, 2012
Where do you get your Themes.In my travels today I ran across a post over at WPMU.orgA fairly trusted site in my opinion (of course I may have been snowed)There was a post on the security of free themes. Are they everything they are cracked up to be and what are your really loading when you grab a free theme.Well I'll tell you I learned a bit about security. The author checked his themes using TAC. I had no idea what that was so after Googling and sorting the results I finally found that
Kyle recently blogged about Facebook changing your e-mail.Here's his post: figure no one will notice. Yeah right.To fix this and get your default e-mail back.1. Go to the about me area of your facebook account. ( Update Info)2. Edit your Contact info.3. In the right margin you will see some up and down arrows select the one on the far right.This will pop up a prompt to show on your timeline.*Notice that there is a circle and slash through your default address.4. Se
If any of you want to make a donation to the cause.- A friend recovering from a Liver Transplant.-Or even if you would like to share this around.Any help would be appreciated.This is the spouse of a Geocaching friend from my area. We have shared many excursions looking for obscure items in some awesome locations. Now, she needs a bit of help.To help with this her daughter has put up a Portal Gun as a raffle prize.So What does a Portal Gun Do? Check it out here>>> y
June 18, 2012
My sites promote various dog products ( who would have guessed it) and one that promotes iPad covers.Now just recently I checked my Amazon account.What in heavens name is this sale doing on my account.Trojan Pleasure Pack 40 Premium Latex Condoms - Ecstasy, Sensations, Ultra Thin, and ENZ Lubricated - Awesome AssortmentI hope they enjoy them. I will enjoy the commission.Just had a good chuckle and had to share.
While bouncing around on You Tube for a bit today. ( Thanks Daniel and Jay)I came across a videographer that posted an interesting challenge.He was videoing people in a country where he didn't speak the language. A group of videographers were all there and none could make the connection with their subjectsHere's his solution. can work just as well for your websites as it did for him.Make a connection with your audience and they will participate.This may tak
One of my favorite authors has passed into the great beyond. Yet another great person that did not go to college. Well not formally, instead he squirreled himself away in of all things a library. And read for the better part of 10 years. He stated he didn't graduate from college, he graduated from the library. RIP Ray Bradbury.He advocated writing spontaneously, frequently, and with passion, reiterating the necessity of loving your craft.Notable quotes from Mr. Bradbury."There is no future f