Good bye

Last Update: August 07, 2012
This is a quick hi and bye to everyone. I've done a lot of thinking over the last month, and Affiliated Marketing just isn't me. I'm spending most of my time building up my cleaning company. It's growing quickly, and I just don't have the energy, or shoulder strength, to do all the keyboarding necessarily, to do my site justice.

Thanks much everyone for helping me, I'll miss you, but you can always email me if you like. Lisa and Beverley, you two have been wonderful to me. Keep up the good work. I'll cancel tomorrow, so if anyone wants to reply to this blog you can. Beverley, you know my email address. Lisa I'll private message it. Who knows things might change, and you'll see me again, or I might decide to write a street article or two.

Thanks again everyone, and bye.

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jpnetco Premium
Best of luck and who knows you may need to develop a site dedicated to your cleaning business.
CQuel Premium
Linda, good bye and good luck to you.
lisawells Premium
Please do send your e-mail address, Linda. I'll miss you but am so happy for your success with your cleaning business, Let's keep in touch and keep encouraging each other!
TJ Books Premium
We will miss you, Linda. Some decisions are hard to make but you did what you had to do, so we wish ypu the best and we are always here to greet you back. John
magistudio Premium Plus
Best of luck Linda!
I didn't realize that you are in the same town as me!

Maybe we'll cross paths one day.
My 3yr old will be attending VR Preschool this year.. :)