How to get images on my site?

Last Update: June 09, 2012
Hi everyone I now have 4 street articles published and a link to send people to my site, but am a little confused on where to go from here, My site looks pretty boring and I know nothing about adding pictures, or images to the pages. I don't have a camera, still working on that with a limited budget. Is it ok to use my facebook and profile picture in my about me page? Should people be able to access my site without adding the http:/ . I can't and neither can my parents, who are my only viewers at the moment. I also have an a ebook I'm recommending on my blog page and want to now if it's better to do an ad in a side column or just mention it? If I mention it how do I get the link to the affiliate program? I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I'm feeling very overwhelmed right now. I actually haven't added anything to my site for a few days, or even followed any more of the training, because I'm so over whelmed I'm having panic attacks!!! On top of it all I just a new job and am trying to fit everything in. If anyone wants to look at my site and give me some suggestions I'd be thrilled. It's

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mhamilt Premium
Hi Linda

I wrote a tutorial based on adding image to your Wordpress site - I hope it helps you:

Just search for 'add images' in the search bar, or copy the link into your browser:

Linda Fedun Premium
Thanks I'll give it a try.
lisawells Premium
Carson and Beverly, in helping Linda you helped me too. I appreciate your generosity! I do like to go learn things on my own, but it's so great to be given some directions too especially if I'm really in the dark on an issue!
BIS Premium
Hi Linda - if you go to the training area and do a search on website images you will find a resource I recently created which will tell you where you can find some website images.

Once you download any images these are stored on your computer and then you upload them to your website either through the media tab (left hand column in the back of your site) or through individual pages or posts - by using the insert media button which is just above where you write the content (left hand side).

Calendar - when you create a post it will appear on the calendar. If you look back at one of the pms I sent you, you have the instructions on how to get rid of it if you don't want it.

Best wishes

Carson Premium Plus
Linda Fedun Premium
Thanks Carson. I'm having a friend come in tomorrow to give me some one one on computer tutoring. I think what is holding me back is I'm still new to computers that it's like all the instructions could be in Zulu. What seems easy for you is still a struggle to me. I do want to get my site up and going, it's just going to take me a lot longer than I thought. How do I post my face book picture to my site, and how do I attach a product to my web pages? Linda
lisawells Premium
Hey, Linda, just went to your IBS site - I really liked the personal feel to it and the page with the picture a lot. I also like the calendar - what will you use it for?

I did put some ads on my site as I mentioned in my PM to you, but I would also like to figure out how to put them in the side bar instead of right on the page under the text. I am going to have to put some time and research into how to do that--usually a Google search brings up more than enough answers! but not doing it tonight at any rate. I can imagine how tired you must be having just started a new job!
Linda Fedun Premium
Thanks Lisa, glad you like it. BIS did the picture page and put the calendar on it. I'm not sure what to do with it either, if I can figure out how to add pictures I might replace it. I just went in business for myself doing house cleaning, I'm pretty sore and tired at the end of the day. I'm sure it will get better once I'm used to the routine.