Posts by Linda Fedun 20
August 07, 2012
This is a quick hi and bye to everyone. I've done a lot of thinking over the last month, and Affiliated Marketing just isn't me. I'm spending most of my time building up my cleaning company. It's growing quickly, and I just don't have the energy, or shoulder strength, to do all the keyboarding necessarily, to do my site justice.Thanks much everyone for helping me, I'll miss you, but you can always email me if you like. Lisa and Beverley, you two have been wonderful to me
July 07, 2012
I've been busy with putting more posts on my website and building up my cleaning business. Now my shoulder, which I broke 1 1/2 years ago, has decided something has to give. It looks like it will have to be my website, can't give up the day job! It's not for good, but I'll have to let it slide for a while I'm also taking a computer course starting Monday 4 evenings a week, I don't know if my shoulder will ever forgive me. I still plan to stay with WA, it just my training
July 03, 2012
I've been trying to figure out hop linking for ages, and I had two great mentors giving me advice. I tried doing it today, but it didn't really work.I did manage to get the ad and picture on my post, but it's not where I'd like it and it's messed up the text. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to put a widget in one page only, so I can put an ad in the side bar of that page and not in all the other pages? I know question, question, question! I'm so confused, maybe I
I finally published page five in my website and went to click bank to find a book on stress management. I found a book that seemed perfect, but was unable to tell if it had a picture of the book attached. I know to get the link box to open you need to high light words. I don't have any that directly link to that book, so I'm not sure how to proceed. BIS has been a great with helping so far, but I need to be able to do it myself. Where do I go from here?
June 25, 2012
I'm pretty happy with myself, I managed to do 2 posts in 2 days! I know for most of you that doesn't seem to exciting, but for me it's a big deal. I've been stagnating for a while, and taking way too long to publish anything on my site. Yesterday I decided to back off the training for an bit, and get some content on my site. I will get back to the training tomorrow, I promise!!! Most of the training is about publishing articles elsewhere, so now I have something to write about.
1 comment
June 23, 2012
I'm having some problems withe my website once again. I had two posts, 1 on elimination diets, and the other on digestion and digestive enzymes. I went in today to add a hop link, or at least to try doing one, and even though I could view the post before,now I can't. It still exists on the editor side and I did publish it, so I don't know what to do now. it's coming up as a 40? error, I'm not sure what that means. I'm also waiting for renew life to grant me the right to
Hi everyone, I finally made it through day 11 and am about to move on to day 12. I don't know why day 11 took so long, I think I just got very nervous about what I was doing and needed to step back a bit and collect my thoughts. My site is actually looking like a site, thanks to BIS and many others. I have 6 Street Articles published, not that too many people find them interesting, that's OK you need to have IBS for it to be relevant. I still haven't figured out how to hop link to
June 13, 2012
Hi again everyone. I have a background that I like for my site now, and I thought I had moved all my pages to show on the right. I added a new page and it showed up on the top and on the side, not sure how to fix that. I did look at the training on widgets, but it didn't show how to move things from the top. I would like my blog to show as a page, as I'm going through treatments for IBS in a logical order, unsure of how to do that. Should I put my pages in as recent posts so the side ba
Hi everyone I now have 4 street articles published and a link to send people to my site, but am a little confused on where to go from here, My site looks pretty boring and I know nothing about adding pictures, or images to the pages. I don't have a camera, still working on that with a limited budget. Is it ok to use my facebook and profile picture in my about me page? Should people be able to access my site without adding the http:/ . I can't and neither can my parents, who are my only
June 03, 2012
Well I just had two Street articles accepted today, and more or less finished my first page in my website. A few questions, I've notices people have added their street articles to their profile pages, how do I do that? In my website I mentioned the affiliate I wanted to promote, how do I highlight it for people to click on to and how do I link to that particular affiliate. Am I getting ahead of myself, I'm only on day 8 training. I know it's slow going, but I'm doing the best I c