How do I know if a link has a picture?

Last Update: June 27, 2012
I finally published page five in my website and went to click bank to find a book on stress management. I found a book that seemed perfect, but was unable to tell if it had a picture of the book attached. I know to get the link box to open you need to high light words. I don't have any that directly link to that book, so I'm not sure how to proceed. BIS has been a great with helping so far, but I need to be able to do it myself. Where do I go from here?
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lisawells Premium
How did getting the link from the affiliate section go, Linda? See how much you've accomplished!! Remember when almost everything sounded like a different language to both of us not so long ago?
morlandroger Premium
If you go to the homepage of the product you want to promote then down at the bottom there is usually a link to their affiliate information.. If they are any good they will provide you with banners and links in addition to the Clickbank basic link.

Just be sure that you Clickbank user name is put in. There will usually be a line of xxxxx or some other indication of where to put your own link.
Linda Fedun Premium
Thanks I'll check it out tomorrow, getting late now.
morlandroger Premium
Sorry for link I meant name