I did it!!!!

Last Update: May 09, 2012

This is a big THANK YOU to everyone for your support. I managed to change my DNS settings!!!! Now I can move past day 1 training.


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kyle Premium Plus
That is great...and as I try to mention as regularly as possible, this is not a race. Taking a few extra days to figure things out is OK, don't let it get you overwhelmed or frustrated. It is not worth it!

And of course, if you have any further questions going forward, let us know. :)
Linda Fedun Premium
Thanks Kyle, everyone has been very supportive, I really appreciate that. I know I'm moving at a snails pace right now, but BIS has been great at making everything clearer to me. It's great to have found a mentor to follow, plus the advice of everyone else.I will be working on my website over the next few days. Hopefully I'll get up to speed soon. By the way I noticed your address is Mary Ann Crescent, I live on Glen Willow Place, about a 5 minute drive away. Great to know I'm dealing with someone who is local:)
kyle Premium Plus
Actually don't live in the triangle mountain area anymore (argh we need to update the email address), but still in Victoria. Great to have a fellow Victorian here at WA and do let us know when you have any further Q's going forward. ;)