Just submitted first article for day 5 training.

Last Update: May 27, 2012
Hi I did it, I just submitted my first article to street articles! Feeling a little nervous about it, but it's a big step forward for me. My only concern is that the video showed that there was a place to give a link to my website and I couldn't see it. Did I miss something while I was writing my article? I did mention it by name, but there really isn't much for any one to see there yet except my home page and my about me page. Will that make a difference is how people view the article? I just want to know if I'm on the right track.
Thanks Linda
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lisawells Premium
I'm just submitting my second article. On the first I had to fix it because I hadn't done the links quite right - but Street Articles has great instructions on how to do the links. When you're writing your article the create link button (blue) is up at the top with the formatting, in case you haven't come across it yet. I guess the only thing is you can't point someone to your blog by saying "click here" etc - that's the mistake I made. You have to just use a keyword phrase and make it link to your blog. Congratulations to you!!! on doing it. My blog isn't much more than the first pages we created either and I'm concerned about that too. It's not ready to be public and I guess the instructions on that are in the training somewhere ahead of where I am.
BIS Premium
Hi Linda. You did it. Well done. It gets easier from now on in. The best way to see how linking works within Street Articles is to look at how some other people have done it. The links have to be as natural as possible - ie no calls to actions. If the links weren't right they would not have been accepted. Suggest you look at Kyles and you can look at mine BIS_Coach.

Best wishes
jpnetco Premium
Hi Linda, I haven't read all your posts yet, but I have looked at your titles and it appears you are chronicling your actions with your blog posts, which I think is a great way to to keep moving forward. From the outside looking in I would say you are definitely on the right track, in the hunt and pulling ahead of the pack. A lot of folks simply quit and give up at the first sign of frustration, many just don't take any action and continue to read everything they can get their hands on to learn how to "do it the right way" but never feel quite ready or qualified to take action, some unfortunately don't consider themselves "smart" enough to succeed in this endeavor, and still others allow their fears " of the unknown, of failure, and yes even of success" stop them dead in their tracks. Well, you seem to have what it takes to succeed, sheer determination (taking action of some sort on a regular and consistent basis), humility ( being willing to ask for help when you need it) and what my daddy used to call gumption ( an I Can Do It attitude). Yes my dear, you are definitely on the right track and headed for the winners circle. Stay the course, it's very inspiring.
axel83 Premium
Hi Linda,
Congratulations for that step forward and for taking action!
I guess you mean the resource box, that place where you can give a link to your site, right?
I use to add my links in the article itself, by highlighting the words that I want to transform into a link to my site and clicking the option to make a link on the menu when writing my article, "Insert/Edit link" option. Then just input the address to your website or page of your choice.
When you link to your website from keywords inside your article, people are more inclined to click than when you put it at the very end of your article. Just make sure that your link doesn't look like a "call to action", or something excessively "promotional", as street articles hate that and your article will surely get rejected if you seem to be calling to action.
When your article gets approved, you can edit it and add that link. Then, when it gets approved, you will have a live article with a live link which could send visitors your way.
You can do this when you write an article from scratch as well, so it has to be reviewed only once before going live.
And for your last question, as long as your article and your website have nice content and are coherent, you will be doing ok.
Just keep up working, and you will surely see some success.