setting up a privacy page

Last Update: May 21, 2012
Hi everyone and thank you for all the help you have provided so far. I did manage to set up my email account. Or at least I think I did. I have done my about me page for my site, and would like to use the privacy page form shown in the training. How do I do that? I know privacy pages are pretty generic, so I don't feel I have to add something different than what is shown there. Thanks
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sherbet penny Premium
Hi Linda, you are basically just creating another page and publishing it. There use to be a plug-in called Easy Privacy Plugin but it no longer exists, but I still use it for many of my sites and all I do is copy it and post it. If you like you can copy it on my personal blog here, create a page, change a few details and post it, that's all you need to do.