setting up email

Last Update: May 19, 2012
Hi everyone, it's me blogging again!  I managed to get my plug ins activated, but now I can't figure out how to set up my email account. Do I do it in my web site, or in wealthy affiliate's domain site. I looked in both and couldn't see anything like a main menu that is shown in the training. It's taking me forever to get through day 2 training. I appreciate anyone's input. Still feeling like an idiot.

Thanks Linda
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BIS Premium
Hi Linda on websites (left margin)
2. select control panel
3, sign in and your password.
3.Create mailaccount
4. fill in name of account and password x 2
5. click save
You now have an email account.

Best wishes
morlandroger Premium
You can go into your control panel and set up to redirect incoming mail to an existing account but at this stage you really need to move on. E mail on your blog will keep for now.