tried to change DNS servers.

Last Update: May 08, 2012

Hi it's me again. Looks like I'll be spending more time writing blogs  then setting up a website. I went to set up DNS server and clicked onto the name servers section. It was coming up as a strange name, so I clicked on to transfer name server and it sent it off who knows where???? Is there a way to fix this? I was told it would take about 48 hours to check things out. Doesn't look like I'm going to get started before my 10 days are up. I think that I am going to see if someone here in town can do some one on one teaching with me. I'm afraid that I'm going to use money I can't afford, to just go aimlessly around in circles. Maybe I should write a blog on the complete idiots guide to websites!!! Once I figure out what I'm doing I'll come back, as I can see WA has a lot to offer. I will stick around till the 10th as that is my last free day. Having fun checking things out, just still really confused!!


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lisawells Premium
Just excited to tell you I JOINED WA! I know it's going to be a path to success!. How are things going now for you? Looks like you've gotten some really detailed advice which is just so encouraging!
Kim vH Premium Plus
Message in a bottle! I'm posting this everywhere in hope: I think I need some help/opinions. I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place even, so can someone tell me where so that I can get some much needed feedback. Thanks.
BIS Premium
Hi Linda

I'm sorry that you're still struggling. I wrote out the instructions for you yesterday to try and help and Roger has given you the same instructions below. It does generally take less than 48 hrs -- but if you hit transfer domains this is not correct.

I also offered yesterday that if you pm me your log in details to GoDaddy I will do it for you. In order to pm me you have to go to the forum, hit on messages at the top and then give me the details.

There's notneed to keep going round in circles. The help is here - you just have to take us up on it. You're not the first person to have an issue with DNS settings and won't be the last.

Best wishes Beverley
Linda Fedun Premium
Hi Beverley. I've taken your advice and sent my login details to you. I followed your instructions, but couldn't change hosting from whatever I put in by accident. Hope you can figure it out. Many thanks Linda
morlandroger Premium
In Godaddy this is the order to reset DNS
1 Log in
2 Hover over domains to the top left and then click on Domain Management in the box that opens
3 Click on your domain name that you want to alter DNS for
4 Hover over Nameserver (Just below GO) and click on "Set Nameservers"
5 Click in "I have specific nameservers for my domain"
Click OK and that should be it. Sometimes change very quickly but either way you can get on with building the site and when they change you are set to go with contents, plugins etc.

Also nothing to stop you going on to later keyword research, writing stages etc so articles etc are ready to post as soon as site comes live

Hope that helps, it is a learning curve but as you master each step it becomes easier..