Posts by Maureenhannan 49
Joan’s post this morning got me thinking.  Maybe it’s time to take some bold inventory.  What’s working and what’s not?  Where am I heading in this adventure, and how is it different from where I thought I was going?  My last posts were about WordPress setup, and I’d like to go on with that (particularly about some of the interesting stuff I’m learning about the timing of content). I haven’t posted in over a week now.  In the time I’ve been “away,” a
More sharing, oh buddies o' mine....No, I don't think this is anything new or original.  But since I'm doing this stuff at the moment, why not paste (and comment on) my list. BTW, Louise, your comment made me laugh.  Because MY first thought was, oh good, I guess this means I'M doing it right.  He he.  I think the solitary nature of this business makes validation moments especially nice. Preparing for content--I see it as being a bit like sweeping out a house.  Getting
August 21, 2010
I have just a teeny bit of time...and it occurred to me that this might be helpful to a few people.  Just a WordPress site setup walk-through. I'm getting better at this.  (How's 100Blogs going, some of you have asked.  Well, I'm well into the next 2 sites--one of them seasonal and one of them accessory-related) but it's been a wild couple of weeks.  Since my time has been very broken-up lately (and my focus has been a bit scattered as well), I've done what I can to keep grow
August 17, 2010
Have you all been following Prop 8?  I'm sure the Californians among us have been immersed in Prop 8 this month--it's a huge issue, and Prop 8 may well become the test case for an eventual Supreme Court ruling on the Constitutionality of  gay marriage in the U.S. I am NOT seeking to comment--or to hear comments--on gay marriage as a social or moral issue here.  But, because my brother is gay (and a speaker/trainer on diversity issues for a major corporation), I get regular "
August 16, 2010
You all know DABK, right?  Below, I've posted a quick little SEO tips "share"--written by Dusan (DABK) as a favor to me in my blogging efforts.   I am suddenly busy with a slew of unexpected things, and I found myself pining for my WA blogging and buddies this afternoon.  And it occurred to me that it's high time to move on over and give my friend Dusan a shout-out. No, there's no business relationship here.  Nothing but a lovely collegial, IM-full friendship. 
Don't just tell me how to build a landing page.  Show me one, and then let me ask questions as I analyze its components. Don't just give me a tutorial on writing a sales letter.  Show me the very best, and then sit there and tell me it's my job to figure out why they make a reader's "mouse-trigger-finger" quiver. Don't ever think the real-life examples don't matter as much as the teaching.   Please don't mistake what I'm saying.  I love being taught the fundamental
My latest from 100Blogsin365Days....a little long.  It's a subject I care about and enjoy:  writing. :-) I promised to tackle the topic of writing content for niche blogs. On the issue of web content, I do know whereof I speak--because I've been working as a freelance article writer for the past year. Before that, I was an English teacher. What am I an expert in? Not micro-niche blogging. No, not yet--though I plan to be by the end of this year. I'm an expert in teaching people ho
This was just too juicy not to blog about to my WA buddies.  A good friend of mine is the CEO of a company that develops virtual conference and training centers in Second Life.  He was written up recently in the Washington Post for the cutting-edge, imaginative stuff his company is doing, and they are experiencing a lovely growth spurt due to all the current interest in virtual training/learning from corporations and universities. I’ve been pitching him for months now on the value of
August 03, 2010
From my 100Blogsin365Days blog. Please disregard the affiliate links. They're not meant for my WA buddies--I copied and pasted this from my most recent article today for those who've expressed interest.  I'm trying to document the process in the hopes that some of this will be helpful for those who are trying to launch similar projects....                 On to Niche Blog Number 3 here at 100Blogsin365Days.  I was enjoying art posters a whole
Hi Friends! Taking a quick break from site production (I'm on a "writing retreat" at a 4-star hotel that my buddy and I got for cheap on Hotwire, and I just splurged on room service while adding boring FTC compliance stuff to my sites.) So I want to share something that totally surprised me today.  My friend was asking me, "Hey what ever happened to that book you ghostwrote for the motivational speaker last winter?" I admitted I had no idea.  After I was paid for