What I'm Doing, What I'm Discovering

Last Update: September 01, 2010

Joan’s post this morning got me thinking.  Maybe it’s time to take some bold inventory.  What’s working and what’s not?  Where am I heading in this adventure, and how is it different from where I thought I was going?  My last posts were about WordPress setup, and I’d like to go on with that (particularly about some of the interesting stuff I’m learning about the timing of content).
I haven’t posted in over a week now.  In the time I’ve been “away,” a whole lot of stuff has happened (in between trips to the twin purgatories of the mall and Costco for back to school shopping).

1.     I got word that my name change is final.  After 20 years, I’m using my maiden name again.  Hard to explain exactly, but taking my name back is helping me in all kinds of subtle and not-so-subtle ways. 

The identity that was there before the many layers of roles and “should’s.”  The person who was always free to decide what’s worth pursuing and what is not.  

2.     I got my first job for a national print magazine.  A 10-week stint as Interim Managing Editor of Parks and Rec, a trade magazine that goes out to regional park authorities and the like.   And it wasn’t one I had to go chasing after.  My online profiles and my website did the work for me (well, along with the writing samples contained therein).  So, I’ll be busy with that this fall—but I’ll still be carving out 20 hours a week to develop my niche websites.  

Having someone come to me saying, “You’re good, and we’ve already determined you’re the person we need” was just as powerful as taking my name back.

That event, along with the extra money it’ll bring in, fueled me to do the next thing:  get serious about one on one mentoring for my business.

3.    I guess I’m just feeling like the woman in that old L’oreal hair color commercial.  “Costs a little more…but I’M WORTH IT.”  (Remember that one?)

There are things I need to be taught, NEED to be coached in.  Not in a one-size-fits-all way…but in a way that is appropriate to my situation and budget.  And that comes from someone who has demonstrably achieved the same things I want to achieve.   You want to know what some of those things are?

  • Appropriate automation and scaling.  This is crazy-time-consuming stuff, and I need to be smart about how I use my time.  I don't want to be penny-wise and pound-foolish.
  • Following checklists and keeping records of everything I do
  • Being smart in “the business of being a business.”
  • Being told WHICH tools I pretty much have no choice but to invest in—and which ones I must ignore.  (Obviously, those kinds of things need to come from someone I trust not to swindle me.)
  • Being held to a production schedule.
  • Being allowed access into an expert’s projects as I follow along from start to finish.  Being allowed also to see the expert’s results—from early traffic generation to conversions and revenue.

I’ve had my eye on this one stellar teacher for a couple of months now.  Smart, smart, smart.  And smart in ways that I am not.  A low-key, sequence-oriented, statistics-minded guy.  Test, test, test, he says.  Put minimal efforts in until you see traffic.  Track EVERYTHING on a spreadsheet.    Last week, he had a 3-month coaching spot become available. BTW, you know what I really liked about the way he approached this?  He asked me several intelligent questions first to determine whether it would be a good fit. 

Ultimately, we decided to move forward with the coaching setup.  I have already learned a lot this past week from slavishly following along with his models as he goes.   I’ve also figured out what I need to do to streamline my own production process.  Since I am on a forum with his other coaching clients, I also get feedback from a handful of others who are trying to do the same stuff I"m doing.  It's good for me.

If I fail in my IM efforts, it sure won’t be from half-heartedness or refusal to invest.  And, as much as I want this to work, I’m not putting all my eggs in the IM basket either.  I want it more all the time.  I want it right down in my bones, and I want to be able to teach other people someday too.  Because being an online entrepreneur truly is one of the most liberating and creative business/lifestyle models I know of.

I may be here at WA a little less as I spend time at the magazine and in private coaching for my business.  But I won’t vanish.  Like my friend Joan, I’m eager to cut to the chase and do everything possible to see my efforts bring rewards.  

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reefswimmer Premium
maureen, you go girl ! I have already learned to love your energy, and it is always a delight to see someone with such great energy spread it around. Cool how we move along in such a wondrous variety of ways. (or variety of wondrous ways...) Right at the moment I am reveling in the extremely detailed how-you-do this-that-and-the-other specific little steps of things, that generous members are posting as tutorials etc. Actually doing these picky little steps will help me accomplish the big ones. And omg, you actually are good at using a spreadsheet for tracking everything. Just about every successful person in IM says to do that. OK, I will figure it out and do it !
Diane, reefswimmer
erussell Premium
Incredible Maureen! I'm glad changing your maiden name has helped you. I can't completely relate...but I think you've clearly demonstrated that you're ready to take on the world with, haha. Congratulations on getting the job for Parks and Rec. It sounds like it fits you very well. Does this mean you get to go out to the regional parks and "work" :P, because if so, that is amazing! Perhaps you could take your family, have a nice picnic, explore the scenery, etc... As for the coaching, I think if you truly trust the person and what they have to offer, then it's a very smart move on your part. Although Wealthy Affiliate has lots to offer, and many people to help, 1 on 1 coaching can offer that extra level of detail and the ability to put everything in it's place. I hope it works out for you!
Fallulah Premium
Congratulations on stepping into Yourself Maureen, which of course will also encompass all the experience you've already garnered at every twist and turn on your path. It sounds like an exciting time, for sure full of hard work, but also of rich opportunity and exciting challenges :) I think some bold inventory and action may be in order in my small corner as well. I've been absent for a while myself as life called. But I've found less resistance has meant more balance and I feel better for it. Time now to boldy grab the horns of the future and and bring them into the present. Good Luck and much success in your endeavours. I know you'll enjoy an abundance of both :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Maureen, I have total faith in your ability to accomplish everything you go after. I'm glad to hear about your coach because it is a great advantage to have one and it will save you time and trouble. I believe that some struggle makes you stronger, builds character, maybe makes you smarter too. But at some point in your professional life, it's better to place that effort in the "content", the real value that you share with others. Nobody really cares about your strife, even if they respect you for it. They care about the book you write, the painting you make, the house you build, the software you design, the dinner you prepare, the nice kids you bring up. Well, you know what I mean. Go to it girl! The world belongs to you. Congratulations on having your maiden name back and all that it symbolically implies. Congratulations on the Managing Editor post. I'll be popping in here probably in the evenings or at lunch time. We can always PM each other.