Ghostwriter Surprise -- THIS is a first.

Last Update: August 01, 2010

Hi Friends!

Taking a quick break from site production (I'm on a "writing retreat" at a 4-star hotel that my buddy and I got for cheap on Hotwire, and I just splurged on room service while adding boring FTC compliance stuff to my sites.)

So I want to share something that totally surprised me today.  My friend was asking me, "Hey what ever happened to that book you ghostwrote for the motivational speaker last winter?"

I admitted I had no idea.  After I was paid for ghostwriting the book, I got busy with other work.  Now, I did know that my employer's intention had been to use the book as a free, list-building thing:  a chance to give site visitors a taste of her work and to create a nice big mailing list.  But she had been undecided about her ultimate domain name choice, and I didn't really know where to look to see what had become of my "baby."

(Keep in mind, we ghostwriters spend days and days marinating in the content of a 100-page ebook.  It's a lot of work to write one of those things--especially when you're trying to adopt someone else's voice and style AND organize their notes and PowerPoint slides into something fluid and entertaining!)

So, finally, spurred on by curiosity, I did a Google search on my client's name and the word "success."  

And...turns out she's got quite the landing page and is selling it for $29.95.  Well, good for her--I hope my baby makes her a bundle.

Wanna know the funniest part?  I was reading that sales landing page about "discovering your best self," "deactivating your inner critic," and "tapping into your center of briliance," and, for one silly, forgetful moment I thought to myself, as my hand hovered longingly over the mouse...

Gee! I think I'll buy it.


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moonvine Premium
delightful and funny, too! and yes, I am totally jealous of your getaway-- and room service! That sounds like a super way to get some real work done! And how fun to be interested in your own product! Love it!
jatdebeaune Premium
Maureen, so funny and a very good sign. You were seduced by your very own product. There you go! BTW, The 4-star hotel is a nice touch. I love room service.
iFaith Premium
Felicity, you do know how to take a break and do it in style with joy! :o) As to the baby - you forgot for a sec you wrote it yourself and find yourself wanting to buy it. You got to experience both perspectives from the creator and the buyers standpoint. A definite good way to learn more from the 'baby' and praise yourself for the good work done and then let go. I don't think I'm ready for this - still too territorial about my writing work and can't see myself letting go of whatever babies I create for another to raise up. Working towards this - able to let go - since the core of my online business will basically be site flipping oriented. Thank you for this post - just got me thinking about letting go more...
maureenhannan Premium
Thanks, Russell...(big sheepish grin). No, I didn't write the sales page. But whoever did certainly read the content of the book. It would be nice to know if it actually ends up selling well. The strangest part of ghostwriting was writing stuff I didn't actually quite believe "The Law of Attraction is actually a proven law of Physics!!!" (Well, I just couldn't quite bring myself to write THAT, but I did end up trying to find a middle ground, like...Many people regard the Law of Attraction...blah blah of Physics.) Well, at least I got immersed in heavy-duty positive thinking for 2 months. That never hurts. :-)
erussell Premium
That's hilarious. If only you had bought it, then it would've been even funnier. If she took some points from the book to make the salespage more attractive, then at least you know you're doing something right! Or did you write the salespage? Either way...I got a nice little chuckle out of your story.