Sharing Some Goodies with Y'all

Last Update: June 03, 2010

I'm from New Jersey, so the "y'all" will never roll off my tongue like honey out of a bear-shaped squirt bottle. Alas.  I would never admit to my neighbors (who tease me about my Springsteen t-shirt collection)that I actually would love to be able to say with true Southern elan, "Stop on bah, so ah-cn share some sweet  lil goodies with y'all... "  But oh well, even if it's in a Jersey accent (Hey you's!  It's genu-INE Louey VeeTAWN--f'REAL!, I'd like to share a random little collection of cool tools.

First on the list, WRITE OR DIE.  Seriously, this one came to my attention through my good friend Susan, who somehow managed to write two spy novels while her kids were toddlers/preschoolers.  You can set it on "forgiving," "strict," or "evil"--the whole point being that the web-based software hounds you relentlessly into actually getting the bleeping writing done.  Check it out--it'll give you a nice laugh even if you can't stand the thought of using it:

The second, Slick Social, is a very inexpensive Wordpress plugin that automates the social bookmarking submission process (I think it was around $30 for the base modules that submit to 20 sites for you--there is also an option for a $10/month subscription to keep adding more and more sites to your automation list.) I'm trying it out right now and will give more info after I've had more chance to see the results--a successful IM'er I know swears by it and dumped his rather expensive subscription software to use this.  It's available as a "Warrior Special Offer" on the Warrior Forum, and I can tell you that Ed Chiasson, the developer, gives great support.  (Not an affiliate link--just sharing what i hope is useful info.)  

The latest on Ebooks.  We tend to be focused on Clickbank here at WA (as on most IM-oriented sites)--but as a traditional book lover with publishing aspirations, I've been fascinated with the broader ebook market--what with Nooks and Kindles and all.  I think this is an article well worth reading for all of us would-be info-product creators.  It appeared in the Wall Street Journal, and it's all about how much more attractive Amazon is making things for ebook authors.  

Free search-engine-friendly Wordpress theme:  Hybrid.  Simple, attractive and optimized--and did I mention, FREE?  Check it out....

I don't know if any of this will be interesting or helpful to anyone--but I wanted to share just a bit with ya's (I mean y'all).






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Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Maureen, thanks for sharing your blog!
PeruMommy Premium
Love the Write or Die! I'll be using that tomorrow, as I start writing the 8 articles I was SUPPOSED to get done today!