Super Simple Blogging, Part 2

Last Update: July 09, 2010

Since several people seemed interested in Steven Resell's Super Simple Blogging, I thought I'd reprint here the latest coaching I've gotten from Steven.  Last post I mentioned that I'd gone through all of the free videos on the site--and I recently decided to take part in Steven's pilot personal-coaching project, which he opened up to a handful of people (first-come, first-served basis) a couple of weeks ago.  So I'm getting some hand-holding with this stuff right now, and a few time-saving resources...but what I'm doing is really just an enhanced version of the free tutorials.  

Here it is...I did "x" out the parts that identify the exact niches and domains that I am pursuing.  XXX1 refers to the micro-niche product keyword I chose as my #1 priority, and XXX2 refers to the second-priority product keyword.   Just wanted to give you a taste of what the niche-harvesting/project-planning part is all about.  If there is interest, I'll keep posting on this subject.  

Hi Maureen,

First off, thank you for mentioning me and my work on your blog. Much appreciated.

Secondly, great work on the \"missions\". :)

I checked the figures (and competition) in Market Samurai and think you found some good niches.

And I think it\'s a good call to go with the XXX1 niche. For a few reasons:

1. As you\'ve mentioned, the competition is manageable. When you see ezinearticles and an \"exact match\" domain pop up, you should be able to compete.

2. There\'s a lot of people advertising for the keyword (14 according to SpyFu).

3. It gets good SEOT and the PBR is manageable at 67% (as you might recall, the higher the better).

The PBR / SEOT values can be important as this figure can affect your traffic potential. ... and if I put a ton of weight on PBR / SEOT (I would say I put medium to low weight on the PBR score) - I may have chosen the \'XXX2\' as my first niche... let me explain:

Let me use a couple of your keywords.

The PBR for \"XXX2\" is 100% according to MS, compared to \"XXX1\" (which is 67%).

By the way, just in case you don\'t understand what the PBR shows you, what it essentially does is it shows us the proportion of phrase-match searches to broad-match searches for the keyword (as a % figure).

So this is what it really means...

If your keyword has an Exact Match SEOT of 91 and the PBR is 67% (like the \'XXX1\' does), you will get approximately 61 visitors per day for that keyword phrase (if you\'re #1) - which is less than what \'XXX2\' will give you per day (which is 91 visitors per day @ 100% PBR).

You may be asking yourself, how did I get the 61 value when SEOT says 91?

Well, the formula works like this:

(i.e. SEOT*PBR/100=Estimated Traffic Per Day If You\'re #1), which rounds up to 61. :)

Will it actually play out like that in \"real life\"? I don\'t know... but if the discrepancies get larger the more you may want to pay attention to this.

Anyway, hopefully I didn\'t confuse you with this... but I wanted to make sure you at least know how to put the PBR / SEOT figures to good use.

Anyway, keep up the great work.

All the best,


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Kathy389 Premium
Hi Maureen, thanks for the info on Super Simple Blogging. I spent last night going through half of the program and will continue today. I loved his direction on searching for niches and products. I'm hoping his instructions on landing pages and web sites is also easy to understand. Good luck and here's some gold for helping us out. Kathy
moonvine Premium
oh yes, do keep posting about this plan. I don't understand a lot of what I am reading, but what I do understand is helpful. IM are notorious for initials, and Stephen is no different on that score! :) :)
Fallulah Premium
Hey Maureen, Thanks for the nudge about Steven's stuff. After doing my email housekeeping I'm unsubscribing to just about everybody but I'm going to keep Travis, David Thingy, Des199 and ow Steven :) HA! Feeling much better :) By the way the picture with your girls is lovely, bet they're pretty proud of mom :) !!!