The Future of Publishing (Maybe Not What You Think)

Last Update: July 11, 2010

You have to watch this video all the way through.  There's a surprise in the middle.  My children, ages 21 to 10, agree.  (And they thought this little video was cool too!).  Enjoy!

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Louise M. Premium
WOW!! Love it! Thx! :)
DABK Premium
Me like it. Me ha, ha, ha.
jatdebeaune Premium
Wow! Thanks! I like the turn around. Now I'm going to watch it again.
xploringsuccess Premium
I saw the surprise and I love how little "tech" is required to put together a video that's viewed by tens of thousands. I've got some work to do. The danger in doing IM and WA is thinking too darn much. Think I just found myself another niche. Sorry about all that heat up there in VA.
xploringsuccess Premium
I saw the surprise and I love how little "tech" is required to put together a viewed by tens of thousands. I've got some work to do. The danger in doing IM and WA is thinking too darn much. Think I just found myself another niche. Sorry about all that heat up there in VA.