Thoughts as I get started...

Last Update: May 18, 2010

This is very random, because it has been that kind of day.  Thoughts swirling around in my head--some related to my freelance writing business and IM aims, some to my divorce and related life shakeups, some to my college-age daughters just home for the summer and turning up their noses at the thought of working at Target.  Oh, and finally, a fair amount of daydreaming about the sweet, cozy little house I am getting ready to move into.  The first thing I have ever owned outright in my own name.

 The common theme?  Work is therapy.  Slow, steady, staying on course...not letting seismic events in the personal life shake the dickens out of everything else. Trying to model that for my children. Remembering that living well is the best, reward, I mean.  Staying positive, good-humored and focused...even when my daughter calls to tell me that Dad's new girlfriend is moving in this weekend.  

Work is a gift.  It is steadying, centering, confidence-building.  Pointing to a series of even small accomplishments during the day is (sometimes) enough to offset all the jarring and difficult stuff.

So much more to do...head full of ideas and goals and stuff I want to write. (This site is feeding all of that, of course.)  But for now, for this first blog, it seemed right just to be thankful for work that I love and that makes me excited to get up in the morning.  Work that I enjoy telling my kids about--and that includes different challenges and different people each day.



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jatdebeaune Premium
Namaste Maureen. I can tell you are a writer. Happiness to you.