Woo-hoo! I Sold a Samurai!

Last Update: June 14, 2010

I suspect it was to one of my incredibly generous-hearted buddies here at WA (to whom I shall forthwith bequeath my entire little hoard of gold if I learn his or her identity).

What a feeling it was to see the sale notification in my Inbox.  It's not my first sale--but it's the first I've made in an all-out effort to promote something cool.

Since I must run to pick up my son from school and then complete a host of mommy-errands, I will keep this brief.  (Are those cheers I hear?  Pipe down, you rabble!)

Here's what I've done so far:  Two related Squidoo lenses, one a full review of the product using a more competitive keyword (around 12000 SEOC) and one a skimpier article about "free keyword generator tools"--a term which has only about half the SEOC and which I have not promoted as much.

1 Hubpage

1 EzineArticle (awaiting approval)

1 ArticlesBase article (awaiting approval))

1 USFreeAd (pending)

1 Twitter Tweet (chirp-chirp)

1 plug for the article on my Facebook page

Submissions to Digg and Delicious, though maybe I was a teensy bit premature, since I have not exactly been indexed yet.  

I'm feeling nervous about summer vacation starting next week...wanting to keep hitting the WA stuff hard...but also really hoping I'll be growing my local client base.

Still haven't heard from the realtor, by the way.  But they're conscientious people--and I know I'll hear something this week.

In the meantime, I keep appreciating this community more all the time.  And I find myself thinking about all of you...the people who comment on my blog or sending me the kindest PM's.   I am getting way more than I am giving.  I hope to turn that around sometime soon.  But gosh...never expected to LIKE y'all so durn much. 

Thank you for all the encouragement.  

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Devan Premium
Hi Maureen. I am really happy for you. Congratulations!
Jokodamma Premium
Hi Maureen, I like to read your blogs, you´re so enthusiastic - that´s encouraging for a complete newb. Keep up the good work, Harry
ana_nimoss Premium
So happy to hear about your sale! Keep up the good work! But, enjoy your vacation. Work is here to stay. I am enjoying my time with my kids...yeah, I feel a little anxious... but as you know, tomorrow kids will be all grown up!
AffiliateLeader Premium
That is super cool, glad things are moving so well for you. You got a lot of perseverance and a great inspiration to all new members. Thank you for putting your summary of the steps you took to make your sale. Wishing you lots more success Maureen!
jatdebeaune Premium
Brava Maureen! Proof you don't have to write a zillion articles to make a sale. Just have to do it right. Thank you for all of your support too.