Posts by Meredithlonestar 11
//'m looking for some feedback on my latest Squidoo Lens if anyone is interested. I'd appreciate it. I will need to change the pictures and add larger ones so, keep that in mind. I know the ones one there now are too small.Also, there is Not a lot of script on this one, I'm linking it back to my main squidoo lens :"Panasonic Lumix Cameras" - 3 Tips So You don't Buy Camera Regrets".http://www.squid
Yes, WA is the Best Internet Marketing University, period. I researched WA and several others for almost 2 years before deciding to join. I know 2 years is a ridiculous amount of time but, I have to penny pinch so, I needed to be absolutely, positively sure. Now I wish that I had joined sooner.WA is even better than I thought. The training is "Out of This World" and always something New and Cutting Edge. These reasons alone make WA worthwhile to be member.But, what I learned almost 2 weeks ag
Please, before I offend ANYBODY, this is Not my intention. I am Not comparing a dog or ANY animal to the Life of a Human Being, please understand.Having said that, I am an Animal Lover. Always have been and I've been very blessed to have many wonderful animals in my life. Before my back injury, I was a very successful horse trainer with a lot more wins than any other placings. Dogs and Horses are central to my life and yes, I consider them family, period. My little girl in the picture is th
June 20, 2012
If you Love Dogs or just need a break and a good laugh, you've got to see Gus.
I have been having a hard time with the term "Duplicate Content". What "It" is and what "It" isn't. What will get you into trouble and what won't (and actually Help your rankings).A friend sent me the information below. I really would love YOUR comments & thoughts on this. Is this the absolute Truth? Am I the only one (embarrassingly), confused by this?Please, leave your thoughts.Meredith"Article Marketers – Lay the Duplicate Content Myth To Rest Once and For All Monday, May 2nd, 2
I did Not write this but, If you love dog's, you will Love this! A Dog's Purpose! (from a 6-year-old).   Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker.  The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.   I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer.  I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthan
Things aren't so good in the World Today, including America.  High Unemployment and Unheard of Deficit. The Middle East could erupt at any time. I could go on and on.  I'm sure We All Could. I Love America and I feel Truly Blessed to have been born here. But, let's face it...Things Are A Mess! I recently spoke with someone that relayed to me that, her father is a Long Haul Trucker.  Before he leaves for his week long haul, he withdraws $5,000 Dollars to pay for the Gas.  Th
Thank You PotPieGirl (Jennifer)! I Finally have My Stolen Squidoo Account and All of My Lenses back. I Don't think it could have been done without Jennifer's Help.   She jumped right in to come to my aid, Without Me Even Asking for her Help.  She saw one of the WA Members and one of her readers with a problem.  So, what did she do?  She Jumped Right In, Took Charge and Like A Dog With A Bone, Would Not Give Up!  I think she was every bit as upset with this as I was. She
September 17, 2011
 Sweet, Wonderful, Rain!  Finally, after months and months of no rain, it rained today.  The Heaven's opened up and poured the healing rain on our parched and burned earth.  Texas has not had a drought like this in 200 Years!  We've broken All Records including, Temperature. The upper 100's for weeks on end. Water pressure is dangerously low and everyone is on Water Restrictions. After 2 weeks of deadly and destructive fires, peoples nerves have been frayed. Texas has lo
Happy 4th of July Everyone and Happy Birthday to America. In the True Spirit of the day, I wanted to add this Video of a 4 Legged American Heroine!   Meredith