A Good Day in Texas

Last Update: September 17, 2011

 Sweet, Wonderful, Rain!  Finally, after months and months of no rain, it rained today.  The Heaven's opened up and poured the healing rain on our parched and burned earth.  Texas has not had a drought like this in 200 Years!  We've broken All Records including, Temperature. The upper 100's for weeks on end. Water pressure is dangerously low and everyone is on Water Restrictions.

After 2 weeks of deadly and destructive fires, peoples nerves have been frayed. Texas has lost acreage the size of Connecticut to fires.  I was beginning to think we had been transported to California.  Texas is not used to these kind of fires.

One very bad fire was within 15 miles of my house.  While, I don't believe that we were in any danger personally, when you are in a State as large as Texas, 15 Miles is pretty darn close.  

My "Horse" friends and colleagues, were affected and were evicted from their homes.  Load up all your horses, gather your pets and run. Hopefully, you have a place to go, if not, you just keep driving.  

They were the lucky ones, their homes and barns were spared.  So many others have been less fortunate.  Almost, 2 Thousand homes have been burned to the ground and untold acres. Two lives lost.

Wild animals displaced and scared.  It is a very sad thing to witness.   Newborn foals and calves have Never seen rain. My friends have called to tell me that first they look stunned at this wet stuff falling on them.  After a few minutes, they begin to play and jump around in the water and mud.

My backyard is normally lush and green now, it's mostly dirt and cracked earth.Trees are dying by the tens of thousands and  may or may not survive.

It's been a very rough Spring and Summer for Texans and I'm afraid that it's not over. Today's rain will not break our drought but, we are so grateful to have it.

It was a Good Day in Texas.



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The Red Cross & the Humane Society have both been on scene and a tremendous help. The Humane Society has been gathering pets that have been left behind. One of their shelters had to be evacuated as the fires got too close. Many cattle have been seen jumping over fences and through them and running wild with deer, coyotes, rabbits, etc.

Hopefully, you know somebody, that has the room and is far enough away from the fires that can "put your horses up" for awhile. If not sadly, you may just be out of luck. A close friend of mine is the Horse Farm Manager for Will Farrish. If, anybody knows horse racing or politics, you've probably heard of him. Mr. Farrish was the Ambassador to England under George W. Bush ( Mr. Farrish "hangs out" with the Queen), and has some of the Top Thoroughbreds in the World. Kentucky Derby Winners and Grade 1 Stakes Winners. I don't say this to be a "name dropper" but, rather to say that no-one is above the devastation and destruction of these fires.

His Texas Breeding Farm has about 150 head of the finest Stallions, Broodmares & Foals in the world. This 1 Farm brings in about $20 Million a year. "They" had no where to go. Too many horses and not enough time. The fires did come close and the smoke and ash was everywhere but, they were spared.

I guess, just like in any life or death situation, you do your very best and pray. After that, there isn't much more you can do. Thank you for your Prayers.
jatdebeaune Premium
This drought in Texas is simply awful. I've been hearing about it on the news too. So sorry you're going through this hardship. I hope the rain is an indication that the drought is over. Do they have shelters for people who have been driven out of their homes? How do you move horses and cattle? To where? I'm praying hard too. Stay safe and let us know how it is going for you.
Thank you for your prayers & blessings. They are very much needed and appreciated! God Bless you and your family too.
chunkynonkey Premium
may GOD bless the state of TEXAS with an abundance of rain , i live in new england in mass. and it was becoming common to see on the nitely news the devestation, may you and your loved ones be safe.