If You Have It in Your Heart, Please Say a Prayer

Last Update: June 26, 2012
Please, before I offend ANYBODY, this is Not my intention. I am Not comparing a dog or ANY animal to the Life of a Human Being, please understand.

Having said that, I am an Animal Lover. Always have been and I've been very blessed to have many wonderful animals in my life. Before my back injury, I was a very successful horse trainer with a lot more wins than any other placings.

Dogs and Horses are central to my life and yes, I consider them family, period. My little girl in the picture is the Hannah of HannahnMe ( she got Top Billing!),and she is also the last thing my mother gave me before she passed away almost 5 years ago. Hannah is My Family now. She is my last tangible connection to my mother and yes, Hannah and I are Inseparable.

I found out today that Hannah has Breast Cancer. I will know for sure early next week when she will go in for surgery. I am Not a weak person and I have (like most of us), have experienced many losses in my life. But, the idea of losing her, right now, at this time, has "rocked" my world. We are a Family of Two, period and I cannot bare the thought of being without her.

So, if You have it in Your Heart or are so inclined please, say a Prayer for Hannah. Thank you.

aka: Hannahnme
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Sherion Premium
Love is love no matter what direction it is intended for. The feeling is there whether or not it is a human, a dog, a cat, or any other form of life. To a lot of people their pet is the love that is always there and sometimes the only love they have. I am grateful for all the "human beings" in my life, and I have also been grateful for the "pets" I have had. My mom died 2 years and also left her dog. For 9 months I had "Pugsie" and now my brother has her because I had to let her go so she could have a yard to run in and all that good kind of stuff. I know how you feel being this was the last connection with your mom. But one thing I do want to say is that you have a heart and it is full of love for all creatures and you don't have to worry about offending anyone here with your blog. After all, no one is forced to read! But, I will also say a prayer for Hannah and of course for you too, just like all the rest of WA members who read this will too. And if you need to PM me you can. If you want to even call me I will send you my phone via PM. You just let me know. Bless you and Hannah.
buddyboy Premium
Hi Meredith, I'm praying for both you and Hannah and sincerely hope the surgery goes well. I lost my best friend a few months ago and know exactly what you're going through right now. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for Hannahnme in the coming weeks and am really hoping to hear some good news in the near future. Good luck.
DABK Premium
Sorry and hope it's not cancer.
muskyblood Premium
I am really sorry to hear this... I will say a prayer. I am a dog lover myself and know how hard it can be when unfortunate situations arise. The main thing to remember is the great life you have given her while in your care, and the companionship you will continue to share. This should be celebrated. I really hope everything turns out for the best for your pal.

mama2karsten Premium
Prayer for you and Hannah