My Take on The Current Political Debates

Last Update: February 22, 2012

Things aren't so good in the World Today, including America.  High Unemployment and Unheard of Deficit. The Middle East could erupt at any time. I could go on and on.  I'm sure We All Could.

I Love America and I feel Truly Blessed to have been born here. But, let's face it...Things Are A Mess!

I recently spoke with someone that relayed to me that, her father is a Long Haul Trucker.  Before he leaves for his week long haul, he withdraws $5,000 Dollars to pay for the Gas.  That Is Crazy!

My youngest nephew is just recently back home from 2 years in Afghanistan.  He came home with significant hearing loss and ankles that may Never Heal.  But, we were lucky, at least he came home.

And, the back and forth between the Congress, doesn't give me much Hope for the near future. What do we get from them?

"Well, You Started It", "No, You Did".  "Nahah" Yahuh","Nahuh" "Yahuh"!

Sometimes they sound like the Southpark Kids.  Cartman must be in Congress somewhere!

Folks, is it Any Wonder?



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DABK Premium
Folks, I agree with Meredith and I promise that if you anoint me Uber Emperor of the Galaxy , I will take your wishes into account every time.!

Scouts honor!
O.K. "Uber", I think YOU meant to put this comment on the "Truth" blog. Just sayin...
klrrider Premium
"congress" is the opposite of "progress"
Very Good, klrrider! My dad always said "it was a good thing when Congress was on vacation, that way they couldn't mess things up"!
stadium Premium
IT DISGUSTS ME. Ever decision, congress and the president makes has nothing to do with the good of the majority it is to win fringe votes and not scare off the base too much. Then have the media lie for you. Sorry to say but all the talking you want to do will not change a thing, it is an installed system, the only thing that will change this is if blood runs the streets.
Labman_1 Premium
So, our only recourse is a changing of the guard. Vote congress out and change them over for the competition. If we do this often enough perhaps they will get the message. Fix it or hit the highway.
I'm with you, Labman. You're exactly right. Did you know that the recently elected Tea Party members, were told by the "senior" Republicans in office, to Toe the Line Or, do Not expect to get Any Advancement. Most held onto their beliefs & refused. Unfortunately, some "gave in" and have joined the rhino's.
stadium Premium
stadium Premium
look at this video and see how stupid Jon McCain is. search jon mccain and chael sonnen in google and listen to the video. I cant leave the url here. But listen to what an idiot he is.

He was almost our president, not saying Obama is much better both are morons with an agenda against american people. But look how stupid Jon McCain is