I Need to Slow Down to Catch Up!

Last Update: August 01, 2010

I need to "slow down" to "catch up".  I have noticed that I have been "lost", "frustrated", and generally upset  with myself about how much I am not  accomplishing within Wealthy Affiliate.  Don't get me wrong.  I think WA is fantastic!  I'm just sorry that I waited so long to join. 

Nope,  the problem is mine and no one else.  Except, for all the fantastic emails that I receive with VIP info. about  the latest, up to date info about   Affiliate Marketing.  I have to read and save them to stay "current".  Hence, the problem,  I am entirely too "scattered" in my Classroom Education.  I just learned the proper way to use Squidoo ,(along with copious note taking),  Only to find out that now I need to switch Everything over to WordPress!  Ok, that's fine.  I had heard that IM is always changing but, WOW!

I am a professional Horse Trainer.  Before I could become a horse trainer I had to learn the basics of becoming an equestrian.  I had to learn proper  "form" before I could take a 4 foot fence or lead changes, etc., etc.  

To stop this frustration within myself,  I'm Slowing Down.  I "rushed" through the "basics"  on the Wealthy Affiliate Training Program.  I was sooo anxious to get my career started!   I tried to take that 4 foot fence, before I was ready and, well, I fell off.  Nothing "bruised" but a little pride!  So, I'm slowing down to catch up.  When I am well "schooled",  I'll be ready to take All those 4 foot fences and stay on my horse!




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Horne1 Premium
That's a very good analogy Meredith. Thanks for this post.