2011 Roadblock = 2012 Goals

Last Update: December 28, 2011

2011 Roadblock

With this year coming to an end, I have taken a good look at my successes and failures. I have used what I have learned here and applied it in marketing the service department of the company I work. I helped make it a success. Was this a roadblock? No, in the sense that I accomplished what I had set out to do. Yes, because the results did not benefit me directly. If I had set these goals for me to benefit my business, how successful would I be right now?

2012 Goals

Well, with hind site being 20/20, my plan is set, the goals are written. If I can reach my daily goal, I will reach my weekly goal, then my monthly goal and ultimately my year end goal. Have a plan and stick to it. Without a plan I would fail. 2012 is my year to become successful, become my own boss and do what I love and love what I'm doing. 


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WriterGig Premium
Best of luck to you in 2012! Keep working toward your goals -- you can do it!
mmorales Premium
Thank you, and to you as well. You will hit you 5k per month :)
Setting goals and sticking to them with laser focus is the only way that I will accomplish this. The shiny things are very distracting and it doesn't take much for me to go off track. I will accomplish what I set out to do!