Why am I leaving WA?

Last Update: August 16, 2012

I am leaving for several reasons, none have anything to do with WA.

I am at a point in my life where I have 2 kids in college, an unstable job because of corporate mismanagement and down sizing.

I am making money in a couple of niches but right now I need to focus on my main income and get it in order because I can't afford to lose it.

There is no excuse for me not to have achieved the income level I wanted to obtain here other then not keeping at it and being consistent. I do have to say to any new members, stick to the 1st 10 days, learn how WA works, ask questions and ask for help when you need it. Stay focused and have a plan for your business. Watch Jay's WAbinars and ask questions. Kyle, Carson, Jay and many other members are more than happy to help you out.

Find a niche that you are truly passionate about or are an expert in and pour your heart into it. Write useful and relevant information that is helpful to others, don't think about the money you want to make, it will come later.

Thank you everyone for all your help, your friendships and your passion to to make your life better.
I will be back as soon as I can, I assure you that this is temporary. i know a good thing when I see it and these don't come around often :) WA rocks!


Mike Morales

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Shawn Martin Premium
Will be waiting for your return Mike!
mmorales Premium
Thanks Shawn. See you soon, time flys and hopefully I can get things aligned sooner than later.
Jamie Smith Premium
Sorry to see you leave Mike, I wish you great success in all that you do my friend!
mmorales Premium
Hey Jamie... you are one of the people I really look up to because you are such a nice person.
We've never met but maybe we will cross paths some day. You're in MN and I am in IA. Bass Drive tears the house down man!
muskyblood Premium
Hope to see you back soon, best of luck Mike.

mmorales Premium
Thanks Josh. Take care of those lil' ones, they grow up FAST!
Very sorry for your troubles. I hope you can make a quick turn around & have an Abundance of Everything you and your family need. Be back sooner than later. Best Wishes!
mmorales Premium
Thank you Meredith. Don't you apologize for my troubles :) I will make a quick turn around, see you soon! Take care of those dogs and horses.
GaiC Premium
Sound advice, best wishes I hope it all works out for you and we see you back soon. Gai
mmorales Premium
Thanks Gai. I loath working for a corporation. I am just one of the worker ants lol. I will get things worked out and work for myself one day. Take care.