Life is tough at times...

Last Update: May 24, 2012

For the last 2 months I have been out with a back injury. I'm not sure how or what caused it but I have been to the Doctor four times and have had x-rays and MRI's done. I missed work for awhile and have been on meds for going on 2 months really makes it hard to focus on anything, especially because I am worrying about what the hell is wrong with me and those meds really cloud my thinking.

I had to drop what I am doing here and try to get my head straight. What happens if i can't walk? What about my job and supporting my family? The questions I ask myself are endless.I'm not looking for sympathy by any means. I just want to stress that the things in life that are important to you shouldn't be taken for granite.

The thoughts that run through ones head can really be confusing because you rarely know a good thing when you see it so you can take full advantage of it. Why am I not a full time marketer yet? Man, life is full of choices and no one said it would be easy. Sure I am still making some money, but 2 months can really set a person back and you have to keep on top of things or you can easily get discouraged.

Prior to this, the company I work for split and was separated from 2 other stores so we were on our own. Take a second and think. We are a car dealership and were selling on average 20 new cars every month. Now, not only do we have to increase our new car sales but we are now selling pre-owned cars as well. New Face Book page, new advertising, new employees, new attitude.In the 1st month we sold 36 new cars and 15 used cars, in the second month we sold 56 new cars and 25 used cars...what took us to this level of sales...Ideas I learned from this community. Now we are so busy I am having difficulty trying to hire qualified personnel to handle the traffic we have coming in and I can't even see or think with a clear mind because of my back.There really is no point to this blog post other than, do what you can and do it now, really, you CAN do it. Prepare yourself for the worst and plan for the best, which I didn't do. I really didn't think I could do it. DON"T do this to yourselves! If you are a WA OEP member, the knowledge and skills are all here. Put them into action in some way. They are doing you no good just sitting there in your head-ACT!
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veronica.l Premium
Nice post, hope you feel better.
It is great that you took what you learned here at WA and applied it to your local business and what an improvement in a short period of time. That is what ACTION does, great job!
mmorales Premium
Thank you. I am doing better and feeling good mentally. Action is the only way to succeed regardless of what you are doing.
BIS Premium
Sorry that you have been having such a bad time with your back. There's several of us here with similar issues and you're right it can be terribly difficult to focus. However, what is clear from your post that your mind is a great deal clearer than it may have felt at times because you have been able to put into practice what you have learn here. That is a really interesting example of transferable skills and how they work in reality.

Your advice to other members to act is sound because at the end of the day all the dreams in the world are nothing without action.

Hope your back soon shows some improvements.
mmorales Premium
Ha, you are so right. There is so much information here that can be applied in almost any business, its ridiculous. It's great to have laser focus but you you need to apply it to what you know, I know automobiles and customer service. It has also driven my customer satisfaction level to an all time high.
Satisfied customers spend money because they trust you and I have had multiple customers come back and purchase new cars because they know I take care of them.
I wish I could use WP like i take care of customers lol.
stadium Premium
I refuse to ever willingly see a doctor. A doctor and the meds they give you will kill you. I understand if you got an emergency. Last time I saw a doctor was when i put my fist though a pane of glass and it required stitches. It was an accident. I remember bleeding all over in the garage at my parents house, the hospital is right across the street. I got in the car with my mom and she hopped the curve, drove threw a flock of Canadian geese near the ponds, clipped a swan and almost drove her truck through the emergency doors. That ride made me forget all about the blood gushing out of my forearm.

get well mmorales, your a great guy.
mmorales Premium
I still haven't figured you out but there is something unique about you. You don't know me and I don't know you. Your openness astounds me and at the same time kinda creeps me out...Just kidding :) Don't take me too seriously. I appreciate your humor... at times. See ya around.
klrrider Premium
Sorry to here you are suffering... and struggling, but you are succeeding and while all this is going on! Thanx for the post and hope you get well.
mmorales Premium
Hey, thanks for reading my post. I am getting better and learning to use what I learn here in any business I do. My next project is going to be an e-mail campaign. I have 3600 automotive customers on my list and they are all hungry for information, later.
Sielke Premium
Mike, great post. Congratulations on taking the skills you learn here and apply it to your other work! I apply my internet skills in all sorts of ways because they work. I second your advice, go out and do something because action is whats going to make you successful. Even if you fail you learned something, if you do nothing well youll continue to have nothing and have learned nothing.
mmorales Premium
Aloha and Mahalo, you are absolutely right, the skills we learn here work in many ways so it's a good thing to use it in different ways and see what works and what doesn't. I have found that what may not wok for me works for someone else because they look at it differently and come up with a different approach. It's good to bounce ideas off of each other, that's how new ideas are born.