The One That Got Away

Last Update: August 16, 2012
This is for all members who are into Fishing! I feel so bad for this guy but he did realize one dream...

you gotta see it to believe it!

How big is the biggest fish you ever caught...???

Mine was a 12 lb, 32 inch weakie... :) (Pool fish on a party boat lol )
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Shawn Martin Premium
Depressing, man, depressing
Renni Premium
Yeah...I would be totally bummed to have a mil slip thru my fingers that easily.

So Shawn...c'mon give...your biggest catch??? I KNOW you fish!
Shawn Martin Premium
LOL< I have a story, maybe I will write an article on it!
muskyblood Premium
Wow, that is crazy. To bad for that guy, but if you are gonna go for a prize like that you would think you would go through the rules with a fine tooth comb first to avoid any mishaps like this. I do feel sorry for him though..

My biggest was a 48" Muskie caught in Ontario, Canada.
Renni Premium
Nice catch! Yeah, I felt bad for him too...and I think a home-made lure should be even more acceptable than one anyone could buy.
fishing Premium
Now that is enough to off...18 lb. northern pike... French River, Ontario
Renni Premium
Isn't it though? Nice pike, fishing! Bet you got a lot of good meals out of it!