WA is a Day at the Beach

Last Update: July 23, 2012
This is for the newbies I see coming to WA every day. Since y'all seem to be floundering at first, just want to give you a little inspiration by saying...

Jump Right In - The Water's Fine!

There are plenty of Lifeguards here at WA so don't be afraid to get your feet wet. Don't just stand at the water's edge fearful of wading out into deeper water. Don't let the waves deter you from getting beyond them to where the water is deeper. It's calmer out there.

At times you will feel like the waves want to beat you back to the shore. Once you get beyond the confusion and the feelings of being overwhelmed by the training and tasks (the waves), things calm down. You gain confidence. As you are challenged to do more, you will find that it all gets easier as you add to your knowledge base.

And when you're floundering out there where the water is over your head and you're trying to hold your head above it, one or more of the Lifeguards here will swim out to help you with a life preserver. Just jump into chat anytime if you have any questions.

If you are just starting the 10-Day Trial, don't waste it. See the Recommended Training to the left toward the bottom of the side menu? Click on 'Your First 10 Days" under that and get your feet wet there. Don't let the first day go by without following the training for Day 1 and accomplishing the assigned tasks. Then move on to Day 2, etc. Each day will be a new learning experience and you will be amazed by the progress you make in such a short amount of time as well as the support you get as you tread into deeper waters. We are all here to hold you up even after you become more confident out there in deeper waters.

Enjoy the experience and have fun with it and you'll find that WA is like a Day at the Beach!
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ronamo Premium
Your good!!! great post easy to relate to thanks
Renni Premium
You're welcome...we all need a pick me up now and then! :)
bigstevec Premium
exactly what i felt as the uber-noob - now i'm a semi-uber-noob, there's a ton of stuff i don't know but i do feel more comfortable, i keep watching trainings and i ASK QUESTIONS when i have issues - good analogy renni! the water is fine!
Renni Premium
Good for you, Big Steve! :)
fishing Premium
Good advice...and analogy....:)
Renni Premium
Thanks, fishing!
jennorr Premium
Loved this post! I will admit that I was feeling a bit overwhelmed because I am still in my 10 day trial until I am able to pay for the upgrade, so I felt that I was getting behind on the tasks even though I have been putting them down on paper. I now know that no matter what, I will be able to succeed at this. It will only get better when I am able to upgrade!
Renni Premium
That's exactly right, Jenn! It gets easier and despite the fact that I'm not an expert at everything yet, the things that I can accomplish now compared to when I started here absolutely amaze me.
Deezdz Premium
Great post and oh...so true!
Renni Premium
Hello My Friend! Thanks for the compliment! Love seeing you!