Posts by Ryan Hart 3
I am writing this motivational for myself first, but if you are reading it and its help you to become a stronger person, well, then I killed two birds with one stone. Today I want to realize once again, that I can't let NEGATIVE FEELINGS and thoughts rule my life but that I have the power to master those thoughts and FEELINGS through my COMMITTMENT! Mountain climbers follow a very simple rule: "Look where you are going not where you might fall!" Let's compare our journey as IM's to mou
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Here is the question:  "What do I need to succeed as a Wealthy Affiliate Marketer?" The answer has just two parts: Knowledge The right state of mind Knowledge In this motivational I don't need to deal with the first part, knowledge. As members of Wealthy Affiliate we have all the resources and support that we need to succeed at our fingertips. Don't try to know it all before you take ACTION. I am now a WA-member for one week.  I spend this first week learning the basics of I
Stick With Your Vision Like a Stamp on an Envelope Do you have an exciting dream and a big goal for your future as an Affiliate Marketer?  Do you envision how your online business will change your way of life? Can you picture what your life would be if you reached financial freedom, the state where you only have to work if you wanted too? Did you make a commitment to yourself to change your financial situation totally around by working the WA program? Are you truly committed to make it work
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