Ryan's Motivational for the week: "Two Main Ingredients Of Success"

Last Update: May 09, 2010

Here is the question:  "What do I need to succeed as a Wealthy Affiliate Marketer?" The answer has just two parts:


The right state of mind


In this motivational I don't need to deal with the first part, knowledge. As members of Wealthy Affiliate we have all the resources and support that we need to succeed at our fingertips. Don't try to know it all before you take ACTION.

I am now a WA-member for one week.  I spend this first week learning the basics of IM and familiarising myself with all the tools available to me. Do I know it all? Of course not!  But what I know is enough to get started. So, tomorrow I am going to work and by the end of the week I will have two campaigns up and running.  Audience, products, websites and promotions.  

I encourage you to take some ACTION this week. Write an article and submit it to a directory. It's fun and you learn how to write and submit and so on. Or do something else. But please take at least one action.


In order for us to become successful as WA's we need a certain mindset. Today I will just mention three aspects of a WA's mindset.

We need to acquire wisdom. Don't get confused here. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is what we do with our knowledge. Now, there is no tutorial on "Wisdom" at WA. You acquire wisdom by putting your knowledge into action, by trying different things, by making mistakes and learning from them and from the experience of other people. If we truly want to become successful, we need to acquire wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to make the most out of our knowledge.

We need to have faith. We must at all cost eliminate fear. Fear says: "What if this doesn't work for me!" Faith on the other hand says: "I am convinced that I WILL achieve success!" My favourite definition of faith is this: "Faith is the substance and assurance of things that have not materialized yet" Do you believe that you will be successful? Are you totally convinced that you are going to be a winner?

Thirdly, we need total commitment and determination. These are not feelings!!! Mustering up commitment and determination takes hard work. Are you so committed to your success that you are willing to give up old habits in order makes this thing work? Every time I want to buy a pack of cigarettes I make a decision: Do I want to burn this $10.00 dollar bill or do I want to put it into my business and achieve financial freedom. So far I have chosen the later more often than the former.

We need the knowledge of how to do things. But we also need wisdom to use our knowledge in the best possible way. We need faith to keep us going when things are not working out at times. And we need to totally be committed to our plans and goals to the point where absolutely nothing can distract us from reaching our goal of financial freedom.

Let me encourage you with three quotes

"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." (Sir Francis Bacon)

"Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible." (Mary McLeod Bethune)

"Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records." (William A. Ward)

I wish you all a successful week. Be full of enthusiasm!



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Christiena Premium
Great blog Ryan...your insight is timely and true. What a lot of people seem to miss about implementing residual income modules is that it takes all of the above plus a whole lot of action before-hand. Thank you for the mental boost and the lift in spirits :)))
muskyblood Premium
Great attitude. I need to implement a little bit of this into my life and good things will happen. You have a unique writing style, you will be very good at this stuff.
ScottyD Premium
Great stuff Ryan! people need to hear that once in a while(myself).
Have a great week ! here's some gold,.,.,
DABK Premium
Send me more quotes, please.