Commitment vs. Fear - Ryan's Motivational for the Week

Last Update: May 17, 2010

I am writing this motivational for myself first, but if you are reading it and its help you to become a stronger person, well, then I killed two birds with one stone.

Today I want to realize once again, that I can't let NEGATIVE FEELINGS and thoughts rule my life but that I have the power to master those thoughts and FEELINGS through my COMMITTMENT!

Mountain climbers follow a very simple rule: "Look where you are going not where you might fall!"

Let's compare our journey as IM's to mountain climbers.

We want to conquer that mountain and we want to reach the peak, right? In order to succeed we must keep our eyes focused on the goal ahead of us. I remember when I learned how to ride a bike; I was doing just fine as long as I kept my eyes straight ahead. As soon as I started to fearfully take my focus off the centre of the road, things became shaky and I fell.

When we look where we are going we see POSSIBILITIES. When we focus on our goal we find ways around obstacles that come our way.

Looking where we might fall fills us with fear of failure, preventing us from taking action, finding solutions and reaching our goals.

Focusing on our goal will bring us there - focusing on where we might fall will keep us right where we are.

Don't let the fear of "I don't know enough yet" or "What if it does not work" keep you from taking action -steps towards you reaching that mountain peak.

When I learned my trade back in Germany, it was a 3 1/2 year program. But here is the big truth: 4 days of the week practical work in the factory and 1 day theory in the classroom only. If I had spend 4 days in the classroom and only 1 day doing practical work it would have taking probably 10 years to get my journeyman ticket.

Summary: Commit to daily actions!

"What you have been is not as important as what you CHOOSE to become!"

Make sure to take daily steps of actions towards your mountain peak!

Have your best week ever,



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muskyblood Premium
Another great post Ryan. I am going to be sure to read all of your posts, as they are very uplifting and motivational. I sure like the way you convey your message. Thanks!