Stick With Your Vision Like a Stamp on an Envelope

Last Update: May 03, 2010

Stick With Your Vision Like a Stamp on an Envelope

Do you have an exciting dream and a big goal for your future as an Affiliate Marketer?  Do you envision how your online business will change your way of life? Can you picture what your life would be if you reached financial freedom, the state where you only have to work if you wanted too? Did you make a commitment to yourself to change your financial situation totally around by working the WA program? Are you truly committed to make it work for you no matter what?

If the above is applying to you, then you have taken the first and most important step on your way to becoming a successful Internet Marketer who will reach financial freedom.

I am at this point in my life as well. How do you and I reach our goals? How do we get from dreams to reality? How do we keep our desires burning? How do we stay committed?

Let's learn a lesson from a simple postal stamp that you put on an envelope.

The stamp stays on the envelope until the destination is reached. There are many people out there that have great dreams and goals for their future. But many of those people give up way to early. They distance themselves from their goals and dreams. Others give up just because some of their friends or family members just "can't see this thing work". Others, more dedicated folks fight the good fight almost to the end but they give up just a few yards before the finish line.

We, as WA members will NOT be like the others! We will stick with our dreams, goals and commitments until we reach our destiny: OUR SUCCESS!

When we start a campaign, we put our stamp on it and we leave it there until we reach our destination, our goal. And when we reach our success – and only then will we take the stamp of and put it in our stamp collection to show our self and others" YES, WE DID IT"! (the WA success stories are our  stamp collection)

So here is my encouragement To the WA community and to myself:

1.    Set yourself a goal, that is reachable and has value for yourself and      others

2.    Start today to take at least on step every day toward that goal

3.    Never loose sight of your goal. (think and dream about it all the time)

4.    Don’t listen to people that have no interest in your accomplishments

5.    Stick to it until you reach your destination. Just like a stamp!

6.    Make sure the stamp sticks to the envelope by encouraging others and by being encouraged through by interacting with one another using all the wonderful tools available within WA

7.    Never give up! Tell yourself every morning: It is too early to give up!

Let your dreams, goals and desires come alive in your heart and mind every night before you fall asleep and every morning before you get out of bed. They must fill you with a burning desire. Be convinced, that you will reach your goal because for those who believe NOTHING is impossible!

To your best week ever,


(Ryan Hart)


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